Matchmaking ideas and opportunities with speedgeeking

Participants at the Microsoft Philanthropies Enabling Opportunities Summit getting up close and personal with various computer science education resources and tools.

What do a social robot, strings and crayons, and popular computer game Minecraft have in common? They all are among inspiring ways to teach youth more about computer science!

The high energy SpeedGeeking workshop at the Microsoft Enabling Opportunities Summit 2016 gave attendees a chance to experience some of the technology resources and tools available in the Asia Pacific region that can be used to provide high quality computer science education.

The summit gathered top policy makers, educators, and nonprofit partners in Singapore to discuss the challenges, opportunities and ideas required around building an ecosystem to bring the benefits of technology to their local communities. The SpeedGeeking workshop was one of many sessions to inspire attendees to develop ambitious and innovative projects in their programs for underserved youth.

Partnerships with nonprofit organizations (NPOs) are key in Microsoft’s mission to bridge the youth opportunity divide and increase access to computer science education. For example, through the Microsoft YouthSpark program, NPOs in the Asia Pacific region are supported with the resources and the tools they need to bring computational thinking and problem-solving skills to local communities, which are important capabilities to help them succeed in today’s tech-fueled economy. This past year, Microsoft supported 29 nonprofits in Asia with community investments, training more than 566,000 young people on computer science education.

Check out the technologies and exhibits at the SpeedGeeking session below:
1. Imagine Cup – presented by Team Yuuy, Winners, Imagine Cup Singapore 2016;
2. Arduino Kit – presented by Museum of Applied Arts and Sciences
3. M-Powered – presented by YCAB Foundation, Indonesia;
4. DreamSpark– presented by Microsoft;
5. Minecraft – presented by Quest Alliance, India;
6. Touch Develop – presented by Microsoft Student Partners, Singapore;
7. Kodu Game Lab – presented by American Innovation Center, Taiwan;
8. CS Unplugged – presented by Microsoft.


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