May 6, 2014
LEGO robotics competition brings technology to playroom

Teams from Amazon, Egencia, Expedia, HTC, Microsoft, Nordstrom and Zulilly each had three weeks to build a solution using an EV3 kit. As you can see from the video here, they showed off their work at the Experience Music Project.

October 10, 2013
Mirror, mirror on the wall (at the Seattle Art Museum)

In this episode of “On the Whiteboard,” Editor Pamela Woon takes you to a permanent video art installation at the Seattle Art Museum. Powered by Windows Server, it gives onlookers a constantly changing reflection of the city around them through pre-recorded video scenes of the urban landscape.

July 30, 2013
Meet your 3D maker

In this episode of “On the Whiteboard,” Editor Pamela Woon goes to a workshop that features 3D printing and finds that with the Windows 8.1 update, it’s as easy as printing a Word document.