Featured Articles and Stocks From Microsoft Investor

REDMOND, Wash., June 12, 1998 — The following articles appeared this week exclusively at Microsoft® Investor (http://investor.com/):

Jubak: How Motorola Really Adds Up


By my analysis, Motorola Inc.’s (NYSE:MOT) stock is 50 percent undervalued – but I don’t think the current CEO can unleash the company’s potential.

Aspen Technology Greases the Pipeline


Aspen Technology Inc. (Nasdaq:AZPN) is a dream machine: a fast-growing small cap fund in a software niche, and it’s buying up competitors. The kicker? It’s also a pure play.

Who’ll Win the Net-Access Holy Wars?


Phone and cable companies are finally about to give EarthLink Network Inc. (Nasdaq:ELNK), MindSpring Enterprises Inc. (Nasdaq:MSPG) and their ilk a run for their money. Here’s how to pick the winners.

Jubak: Beware the Big Stretch-Out


Tech investors, protect yourselves. If stocks like AT & T Corp. (NYSE:T), Applied Materials Inc. (Nasdaq:AMAT) or Motorola Inc. (NYSE:MOT) have their recoveries delayed, your returns can get hammered.

BitStream: Rocky Start to Compaq-DEC Marriage


If the deal goes through, it will be a bumpy first year as Compaq Computer Corp. (NYSE:CPQ) restructures Digital Equipment Corp. (NYSE:DEC) operations, hacks away at costs and revamps strategy.

Strategy Lab


The Inside Trader targets insider buying in Best Buy Company Inc. (NYSE:BBY) while the Options Tactician buys Newbridge Networks Corp. (NYSE:NN) puts.

Why Is a Stock Worth Anything?


When you buy shares of a company, you become a co-owner. Thinking like one is the key to value investing.

A Fund That Soars on Autopilot


A computer constantly sifts 70 factors to create a perfect portfolio for the Analytic Enhanced Equity Fund. Obscure and small, it’s up a smashing 19.5 percent this year.

Interview: Conservative Bent, Liberal Returns


Susan Byrne’s fund beats its competitors with a low-risk approach. The founder of Westwood Management explains her picks in energy and real estate – and warns against dabbling in stocks like Excite Inc. (Nasdaq:XCIT) when values like Bell Atlantic (NYSE:BEL) and Ann Taylor Stores Corp. (NYSE:ANN) are available.

Turn Up the Volume!


It pays to weigh the number of shares traded in a stock before buying in. Without enough liquidity, you may not get the price you expect when it’s time to sell.

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