TRUSTe, Microsoft, Other Internet Companies Launch Multimedia Consumer Privacy Education Campaign

SAN JOSE, Calif., July 25, 2000 — TRUSTe, Microsoft and several other leading Internet companies today launched a multimedia campaign to educate online consumers about protecting their privacy. Over the next several weeks, Microsoft will contribute approximately 10 million online advertising impressions to the campaign through banner advertisements on MSN.

In addition to banner ads on MSN and other Web sites, the campaign will include print advertisements in 26 major metro newspapers and a radio public service announcement. Richard Purcell, director of corporate privacy at Microsoft, confirmed that this consumer education effort is critical to helping ensure that the power over one’s personal information is in the hands of that individual.

“Microsoft is committed to providing consumers with the tools they need to control their information online,”
Purcell said.

The TRUSTe Privacy Partnership works in tandem with that goal by providing helpful Web-surfing and online-business hints, so that individuals are more empowered when they’re on the Internet. Microsoft is pleased to play an active role in the Privacy Partnership’s multi-pronged approach to consumer education. The power over one’s personal information belongs in the hands of that individual.”

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