Media Alert: Microsoft Sponsoring Charity Sports Tournament With Special Olympics Washington and Boys & Girls Club of King County on June 25

REDMOND, Wash. — June 23, 2005 — On Saturday, June 25, Microsoft Corp. will host the 11th annual Dawn to Dusk Sports Tournament at the company’s Redmond campus. Dawn to Dusk is an all-day, noncompetitive sports tournament and picnic geared to raise money for higher education and local nonprofit organizations. More than 350 people are expected to attend.

Microsoft® employees and their friends and family along with members of Special Olympics Washington, Boys & Girls Club of King County, Inc., Cingular Wireless, Black Data Processing Associates, National Society of Black Engineers, Seattle Urban League Young Professionals and The Boeing Company are among the local nonprofits and companies participating in this year’s tournament, which will include softball, flag football and soccer.

King County Executive Ron Sims and Seattle Sounders soccer team players Brett Wiesner, James Ward and Gabe Sturm are a few of the special guests supporting the event.

In addition to the games, attendees can enjoy music, entertainment for kids, and free food and beverages from local eateries. There will be Seattle Sounders, Sonics and Storm giveaways throughout the 12-hour tournament.

Microsoft’s annual fundraiser has generated more than $300,000 for local charities since 1994. Sponsors are anticipating that the tournament will earn approximately $25,000 this year. Donations are made by individuals and teams participating in the sporting events. All the proceeds of the 2005 Dawn to Dusk Sports Tournament will be donated to the following organizations:

  • Blacks at Microsoft (BAM) Scholarship Fund. The BAM Scholarship Fund helps defray the costs of a college education for Seattle-area students who are interested in pursuing careers in technology. Half of each donation will go to the BAM Scholarship Fund. BAM awards $2,500 scholarships annually to two outstanding high-school seniors. The scholarships are renewable, so winners who continue to meet academic criteria can receive the $2,500 award for up to four years. More information is available at

  • Special Olympics Washington. Special Olympics Washington provides year-round sports training and competition for children and adults with intellectual disabilities. By participating in sports, physical fitness and healthcare education programs, Special Olympics Washington athletes increase self-confidence and social skills, improve physical and motor skills, and have better success in leading more productive and independent lives. More information is available at

  • Boys & Girls Club of King County. Its mission is to inspire and enable all young people, especially those from disadvantaged circumstances, to realize their full potential as productive, responsible and caring citizens. More information can be found at

What: Microsoft’s 11th Annual Dawn to Dusk Sports Tournament

Where: Microsoft

One Microsoft Way (playing fields on the Microsoft campus)

Redmond, Wash.

When: Saturday, June 25, 2005

Why: To provide donations to Seattle-area nonprofits to help better the community while also providing a venue for summer fun


Microsoft employees
King County Executive Ron Sims
Special Olympics Washington
Boys & Girls Club of King County
Seattle Sounders — Brett Wiesner, James Ward and Gabe Sturm
Boeing employees Inc. employees
Cingular Wireless employees
Black Data Processing Associates
National Society of Black Engineers
Seattle Urban League Young Professionals

Members of the media are invited to attend the event from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

R.S.V.P.: Laurie Rieger at Waggener Edstrom, [email protected] or (925) 551-5989

Microsoft is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries.

The names of actual companies and products mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.

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