Self-Serve Advertisers Invited to Join MSN’s adCenter Pilot


To help Microsoft Corp. evaluate the self-service customer experience for MSN’s adCenter, all U.S.-based advertisers wanting a self-service experience are invited to participate in the adCenter pilot during an approximately three-hour period. For a $5 one-time fee, advertisers can create an adCenter account that will be immediately accessible and available for continued use.


Monday, March 6, 2006, for approximately three hours, starting at 9 a.m. PST


Visit to get started and for more information.

About adCenter:

adCenter powers a paid-search service that provides real audience intelligence and advanced targeting capabilities to help advertisers improve their return on investment when it comes to paid-search advertising. adCenter is designed to provide advertisers with superior flexibility and control when managing their paid search campaigns end to end.

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