ANNOUNCER: (Music.) Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage Microsoft Corporate Vice President Brad Anderson.
BRAD ANDERSON: (Applause.) Good morning. Thank you. Thank you, and welcome. You know, for the tens of thousands who are watching this live right now, and the hundreds of thousands who are going to watch us over the coming weeks, we are so grateful that you would choose to spend this time with us.
You know, it’s a time of so much change in the industry. It’s happening at an ever-accelerating pace.
We’re certainly seeing this at Microsoft. As you’re aware, you’ve had some changes recently. And I can’t even tell you the amount of excitement and energy inside the company right now as we move to Satya and his leadership. You know, many of you know for the last few years, I reported directly to Satya and had a chance to work with him. I’ll tell you, there is no better leader, there is no better human being on the face of the earth. He’s truly a remarkable individual that we’re excited about.
And at Microsoft, you know, we’re heavily engaged in building out how we’re going to deliver innovation to you over the next 10 to 15 years.
Before we go into that, let’s kind of reflect back a little on the last 10 to 15 years. And think about what we’ve seen is this explosion of these connected and intelligent devices, all connected to the cloud.
You know, 15 years ago, we started to see this explosion of PCs. And over the last 15 years, we’ve seen billions of new PCs deployed and connected.
Cell phones, smart, intelligent devices we carry in our pockets. Billions deployed over the last 15 years. And it’s really interesting, in 2008, we actually hit a fascinating point in history where there were actually more intelligent, connected devices in the world than there were human beings.
Now, we’re at this hyper scale of growth where we were seeing the number of devices being deployed around the world growing at a rate we’ve never seen before. And depending upon whose analysis you look at, by 2020, we’re going to have trillions of these devices that are alive, connected, sending data to the cloud that we’re going to be able to operate on top of.
So this right here is the world that we live in. We’re going to be living in a world where computing will truly ubiquitous. And it’s going to be all around us. And the amount of innovation, the amount of learning and the amount of knowledge that we’re going to be able to have at our fingertips will truly be amazing.
So what we’re seeing is a growing number of users using a growing number of connected devices using a growing number of applications. All this is just creating data. Data in amounts that in the past was just completely unimaginable.
And as you think about how we’re going to use that data and how we’re going to bring it together, merge it, and pull those insights out. The cloud is going to be core to everything that we do.
So our world view is that the enterprises of today are going to live in an ever-connected world that’s going to be highly dependent on the cloud. And you have this intersection where mobility comes together with the cloud, where the transformational changes and the transformation innovation is going to occur. And I think right now we’re just barely beginning to scratch the surface of what the possibilities are.
Now, Microsoft, again, we’re working hard to make sure that we understand how we’re going to change so we can help all of you change as well.
And I wanted to give you some insights into some of the most technical leaders at the company, individuals whom I admire and how they see the world evolving specifically for you in the enterprise and the possibility that’s going to unlock.
(Video: Futures.)
BRAD ANDERSON: I love that statement at the end: If you don’t dream, we won’t go anywhere. So, ladies and gentlemen, let’s dream. Let’s dream big and let’s imagine what’s possible as we bring all of this capacity and all of this opportunity together.
So our view, again, mobile in a cloud world. And as we think about this, we are here to help you build enterprises that are mobile first and cloud first.
I know what many of you are thinking: How can there be two firsts? Well, the reality is, they’re one in the same. You know, you really cannot have a cloud without connected devices and vice versa. In fact, if you think about it, a cloud without intelligent devices connected to it is nothing more than untapped potential.
And as you think about the connected devices, again, without that cloud, all that you have is potential that goes untapped.
So let’s now think about how we can work together and build that enterprise that is based upon mobile first and cloud first.
And if you think about Microsoft’s history, for all of our time, we really have been focused on how we can bring IT professionals, developers, and end users together. So what I literally hope to accomplish today is to walk you through the innovations that we’re doing that bring these audiences or bring these groups of people together, as well as the things that we’re doing that help every one of these audiences, IT professionals, developers, and end users get great value from the cloud.
Now, in this mobile-first, cloud-first world, you don’t have to move everything that you do to the public cloud to get value. But I tell you, the public cloud can bring value to everything you do. And that’s the point that I want to make throughout the morning and prove to you as we go forward on this.
So let’s start with the IT professional. When you think about it, all of what we’re talking about here is based upon having that incredibly scalable and resilient and cost-effective infrastructure that all of these applications that are users are going to use is hosted on.
So for the IT professionals of the world, you literally are at the center of this transformation.
Now, if you think about what we want to do here to help you build these mobile-first, cloud-first enterprises, for the vast majority of you, you’re representatives of enterprises who are going to be consuming a combination of private, hosted, and public cloud as we go forward.
What I would encourage you to do as you want to drive and build this cloud culture inside of your organization is to no longer think about these as separate, but literally think about the public cloud as a part of your data center.
So I would submit, the cloud is integral to your data center from this point forward. And the cloud is going to deliver things to you and enable you to do things you’ve never been able to deliver to your customers and to your end users in the past.
So let’s now talk about what we’re going to do there. And to begin with, I want to make one specific point because the organization that you choose to be your public cloud partner is one of the most critical and important decisions you’re going to make on this journey. And as you’re considering who your partner is going to be in the public cloud, there are three attributes, three sets of capabilities that I would suggest you require of your public cloud provider.
Let me tell you why I think these are important. First is hyper scale. You want the partner with the public cloud provider that is literally deploying hundreds of thousands of servers per year, that is going through incredible growth. And, ladies and gentlemen, there are only three organizations in the world that are operating at this kind of hyper scale. Microsoft is one of them.
And the reason I think this is important is that kind of scale drives innovation. It drives the most innovation on the planet in terms of the infrastructure. And so looking at that public cloud or looking at that partner, you want to partner with the organizations that, personally, are going through all the innovation as they just try to survive the incredible growth that’s happening, because that’s going to be important to you in the future.
You want a public cloud provider that literally has enterprise capabilities and enterprise-grade cloud. An organization that is willing, able, and is backing its SLAs financially. You know, we have so much confidence in our public cloud that we back it financially. If we don’t deliver on our SLA, you don’t pay us.
And if you think about how this moves forward and you think about the regulatory laws and the things that we’re going to have to deal with from a data sovereignty perspective, an organization that understands the enterprise and understands those needs will build those capabilities natively into the public cloud, that’s why enterprise grade is so successful or so important. Microsoft stands alone in this place in my opinion.
And, finally, you want an organization from a public cloud perspective that believes in and is delivering hybrid cloud capabilities. You want that ability to be able to build an application on any cloud, deploy in any cloud. You don’t want to be locked in, you have to have that flexibility.
This is also how all that innovation that’s occurring in the public cloud with these hyper-scale organizations can get delivered down to you to use in your data center is through these hybrid cloud scenarios.
I submit that if you take a look at these three requirements and ask yourself which public cloud provider operates at hyper scale, is enterprise grade, and believes and is delivering hybrid capabilities, Microsoft stands alone. And we want to be your partner as we do this.
I’m just going to give you a couple of quick examples of some organizations that are using us in some hybrid scenarios.
Walsh, a very large U.S. construction firm, is using Active Directory and Azure Active Directory in a common identity across its private cloud, extending out into the public cloud in very unique ways.
Paul Smith, just an iconic fashion brand, is using a combination of private cloud, but also attaching to Azure. In fact, they have deployed a private cloud on Microsoft’s Cloud OS and they’ve seen a 200 percent increase in their density, and they’ve actually been able to decrease their disaster recovery time for their most mission-critical applications from 48 hours to five minutes using the disaster recovery capabilities that we deliver in our hybrid cloud solutions.
Two other examples. NBC Olympics with their broadcast of the Sochi Olympics chose to host all of their streaming and encoding on top of Azure. Literally broke every record in the books about the number of individual authenticated users around the world watching an athletic event during those 17 days. Over 100 million authenticated users viewing high-definition streaming.
Fascinating case study here where you’ve got an organization that has invested billions of dollars that has to make that up and get a return in 17 days. And they chose to do that on top of Azure.
And Blinkbox. This is an incredibly innovative video streaming organization in the U.K. that is in a pay-as-you-go model. Last year, they grew 245 percent. 245 percent growth in a single year. So as they were expanding and getting too big for their data center, they made the decision to move to Azure. They now have more than a petabyte of data stored in Azure, streaming that to their subscribers and the individuals who are coming up and consuming that content all based on Azure and growing and growing.
Now, one last organization I want to mention. And I think one of the most innovative things that I’ve seen this year in terms of an organization that stepped back and said, “What could we do if we literally had unlimited computing power? How could we change our industry? How could we deliver the world’s best game?”
So I would ask you, in your business, what could you do if you had unlimited computing power? Let me show you what Respawn did with “Titanfall.” Let’s take a view.
(Video: “Titanfall.”)
BRAD ANDERSON: Talk about a company changing the game. No pun intended.
You know, just a phenomenal example of a hybrid scenario, and probably an application you wouldn’t even think about. But I can tell you, day one, when this went live, it was such an exciting day at Microsoft as we all came in and we saw that there were well over 100,000 virtual machines up and running around the globe supporting “Titanfall.” And then as the game became available on other platforms, you know, just boom. You see the number of VMs accelerate up and grow.
You’re talking about an organization here of less than 150 employees that now has hundreds of thousands of VMs running around the world supporting gaming in a way never before imagined.
I’ll tell you, one of the most interesting things we heard on day one was there was a sickness that swept the world called “Titan flu” and a lot of people were calling in sick that day. My boys included.
So let’s talk a little bit about the infrastructure, about the cloud. First of all, it all begins with what we do in Azure. In Azure, we have 16 different regions. You know, the amount of growth is unbelievable. We are deploying a new core every five seconds around the globe.
And then we use this platform to host services like Azure Active Directory. The last several months, Azure Active Directory is servicing 2 billion authentications a day. A day. Two billion authentications as organizations are embracing the cloud and embracing Azure Active Directory for their authentication.
Then we take everything that we learned and everything that we do inside of Azure and we bring it out to all of you to run in your data centers. And we start seeing these Azure-compatible and Azure-consistent clouds being built around the globe.
Right here, you see a view of just the 20 partners that are a part of the Cloud OS network, but we have service-provider partners around the globe, again, building these clouds that are consistent and compatible with Azure.
And then if you look at any enterprise data center, the foundation of all those data centers around the globe is Windows Server. So literally what you see happening right here is you see a network of compatible clouds being built in private, in hosted, and in the public cloud. And this is important to you because you are not locked in. You have that flexibility to move, to adjust, to expand, to grow, to shrink. You have the flexibility to respond to the needs of the business in a way that’s never been before possible.
That’s why it’s so important that we continue to deliver on our promise of consistency across clouds to give you that kind of flexibility.
Now, what I wanted to give you a view here, and we’re going to spend quite a bit of time in this section, is I wanted to give you a view of the work that we’re doing to help you embrace the cloud in these hybrid scenarios.
So I want to walk through the things that we’ve been doing in terms of infrastructure applications and then disaster recovery that help you to connect to the cloud and run in these hybrid environments to get that value that we’ve been talking about.
Let’s start with infrastructure. First thing I would call your attention to is just look at the list of capabilities that are available that allow you to make Azure a part of your data center. You know, things like the work that we’ve done around Azure Active Directory and allowing you to expand out to the cloud. A little bit later, we’re going to cover this new set of capabilities that we call the cloud app discovery preview and show you the amazing power that’s going to bring to you as you get to understand the cloud apps that your users are using.
From a compute standpoint, you know, our IaaS is 100 percent compatible across the different cloud places — private, hosted, and virtual. And today, we’re announcing what we call “compute-intensive VMs.” More memory, more virtual machines. This gives you the capability to have a 40GB InfiniBand access with RDMA within region and across region in Azure. Enabling you to build out these high-performance, high-scale applications.
As we think about networking, you know, one of the most common requests we have from organizations that are really embracing the cloud in big ways is they want to have dedicated links that are high speed because they’re moving so much information back and forth between their clouds.
So today we’re announcing the general availability of what we call ExpressRoute. And ExpressRoute allows you to establish that dedicated connection, and we’ve done this in partnership with a number of telecom organizations around the world. So AT&T, Verizon, BT, Equinix, Syntel, Telecity, and Zadara.
And one of the things that differentiates what we’ve done from others in the market is you can just add us to your existing MPLS contract or your MPLS WAN and we’re also redundant. Literally, we provision two circuits with every single connection so you have that redundancy for this high-connection, dedicated pipe that you have.
And on storage, much of the innovation that we’re doing in Azure is coming in the place of storage, where inside of Azure, we run just direct attach spinning media. Literally, the lowest-cost storage that we can find. And then we use software to deliver on the high-availability and the resiliency that is needed and is required.
You know, last year we talked about StorSimple. I will tell you, StorSimple and that ability to be able to use Azure as a tier for your files, one of the most successful acquisitions in the history of the company. It’s just been amazing to be a part of that.
Today, we’re also announcing the preview of what we call Azure Files. So think of now having a shared and common storage in Azure with an SMB protocol head to it that all your VMs in Azure, all the applications that you’re writing, can now use in a shared manner. Going into preview today that you can start to take advantage of.
So innovation in a hybrid environment across identity, compute, network and storage.
Let’s talk a little bit here about applications for a minute and some of the work that we’re doing from an application standpoint. First of all, applications always require a database. And some of the innovation that we’ve done in the new version of SQL, SQL 2014, are nothing short of remarkable. With the in-memory capabilities that we released a month ago, we are seeing a 30x increase in performance without rewriting your application on the exact same hardware.
You know, 30x I don’t think sounds anywhere near as impressive as when you say a 3,000 percent increase in the performance of your application. Okay? Amazing technology in SQL.
Two things I want to talk about really quick, and then give you a demonstration of one of them. We’re announcing today going into preview Azure Cache. So literally think about having an in-memory, distributed managed cache that helps you to build these highly performant and highly scalable and responsive applications.
This is now included in Azure, and we’ve built this on the open source work that’s been done around read as cache.
Also, we’re putting into preview something that we call SLA Management. Imagine now being able to take the capabilities you have in your data center or in the public cloud, building an API on that, and then exposing the capabilities that you have running in your data center out to your partners and out to your customers in a controlled manner.
That’s what API Management allows us to do, and it now allows us to unlock the value that we’ve been building in our data centers for years and share that. And now in collaboration with our partners and customers, build these incredible applications that can now cross the boundaries of our clouds. This is something I think is important for you to see.
So what I’d like to do is now give you a view of what we’re putting into preview in API Management from Microsoft Azure, please welcome Josh to the stage. Thanks, Josh. (Applause.)
JOSH TWIST: Thanks, Brad. Thanks.
One of our launch customers for Azure API Management is Wellmark Blue Cross and Blue Shield. Wellmark are a mutual insurance that serves 2 million members, and a part of a trusted national network that serve over 100 million people in the U.S.
We worked with them on a business problem. They wanted to make it easy for their corporate customers to integrate Wellmark’s data and services into their own employee-facing experiences. This is the best experience for Wellmark’s members because they can find a provider, agent or dentist in their existing employee portal.
Let me show you how our solution, Azure API Management, can help you manage an API program.
What I want to start with is Wellmark’s partner-facing developer portal. This is where partners come to learn and find how to use Wellmark’s APIs, and the entire experience is powered by Azure API Management.
Notice how it can be themed to exactly match their brand. And the documentation here that we can see that actually helps developers to learn how to use the API is dynamically generated by API definitions stored in the API Management system.
Oh, and for developers in the room, actually, if you want to know how to call this API, then we can even generate code samples for you. So if you want to know how to call this from a Ruby back end, just click this button, and there’s the code you need to invoke this API.
So all of this comes together to create a great experience for Wellmarks’ partners when they need to integrate into their solution.
Now, as an IT professional, I need to manage this API program. So let me show you our publisher experience. And this is where IT professionals can securely publish APIs of their choosing.
So here’s the finder API that we were just looking at. And as I drill through the options, you’ll see sort of the powerful configuration and data available. As I drill into a particular operation, let me give you one example of some of the cool stuff you can do here.
So with just a click of a checkbox, I can enable caching. And that’s going to improve the performance, reduce the response time, and reduce the load on the back end.
Now, as an IT manager, I may be concerned about how I protect my API. Let me show you how we have you covered with our powerful policy configuration system.
So go to policies here. What we’re going to do now is apply a policy that adds a rate limit for the API. Policies allow me to change the behavior of the API easily, and we have a vast list of policy statements to choose from. From format conversion between XML and JSON, all the way up to quote enforcement.
And the one we’re going to apply now — so we’re going to choose a product here. I’m going to add a policy, and I’m going to drop in the limit call rate policy. So here it is. I’m just going to configure this now. And what it’s going to do is limit the number of calls coming from a given partner. So let’s say three within a 60-second period. You can choose any values you like. I hit save. And that’s pushed out now to our API proxies.
So to show you that interaction, I want to switch back to the developer portal and show you my favorite feature of the portal. So I’m going to find the provider by ZIP API, and I’m going to introduce you to our developer console.
This is an interactive console that, again, is generated by the API Management platform that allows partners to learn how the API works by interacting with it in real time.
So here I’m going to enter a ZIP code, 50316. I’m going to choose a subscription key which identifies me as a developer. And then I’m going to hit “get.” And that’s going to invoke the real API straight away. So there we go. We see we got an okay response. I can see all the headers and a beautiful list of providers that are available to me.
Now, you remember that just a few seconds ago we implemented rate limiting on this API. So if I hit this just a few more times, let’s give it a couple of hits. We’ll see that we get a different response on the fourth request. And there we go, here’s a different response now. It says, “Too many requests.” And if I move down a little bit, let me zoom out here. If I scroll down, we’ll see that we get some more data on that. It says rate limit is exceeded, try again in 38 seconds. All done with just a click of configuration.
Now, as an IT professional who’s managing and challenged with managing this API program, I need insights into trends, usage, and health of my API. Let me show you how we have you covered with our analytics.
So I’m going to click over on analytics here. I’m going to get an at-a-glance view of activity on the API with details of errors, calls, response time. I can see the developers organized by successful calls, bandwidth and more.
Or I can drill in for even more usage details where I can see calls on a separate graph and bandwidth — geographical distribution of where these calls are coming from. So let’s click on the U.S.A. And we’ll see a state-by-state view.
So what we’ve shown is how Azure API Management can help you protect an API, get insights into your API program, and also have an awesome developer portal that makes it easy for your partners to integrate.
This is available today in the Azure portal. So we challenge you to find how you can unlock the value in your data and services in your business. Thanks. (Applause.)
BRAD ANDERSON: Thank you, Josh.
So just a recap. You saw now how we can actually take things that we’ve learned in Azure, but apply it to your data centers. And you’re going to hear this theme throughout the day of how do we help you unlock the information and the data and the capacity and the knowledge that resides in you organization, resides in your data center? And using API Management, you can certainly do that.
Okay, so let’s move on to the third area I wanted to talk about in terms of a hybrid architecture as we embrace this cloud culture.
Let’s talk about disaster recovery for a minute and business continuity. So first of all, you know, with SQL 2014, we released a set of capabilities that we call Always On that gives you that ability to keep a spare copy that’s fully replicated and synchronized in the cloud with SQL.
Today, we’re announcing a couple of things I think are really intriguing and actually are very relevant as it’s actually one of the No. 1 things we hear from all of you in terms of requests.
First of all, we’re introducing anti-malware now into Azure. So you can use the Microsoft anti-malware capabilities. Thank you. You can use these anti-malware capabilities to protect your VMs as well as protect the Azure applications that you’re building.
We’re also announcing in conjunction with Trend Micro and Symantec, we’re introducing additional security offerings and capabilities into Azure.
The other thing we’re announcing is what we call encrypted storage for Office 365. And you’re going to love what this does. As you embrace Office 365 and you start to use OneDrive for business, what this provides is the ability to actually have every single file that is stored in OneDrive for business encrypted with its own key.
So driving additional security and additional confidence as you embrace these cloud services that you know that your content, that you know the assets of your company are safe and secure.
Finally, I want to talk about what we call Azure Site Recovery. Formerly, we called this Hyper-V Replication Manager. What this provides is the ability for you to set up disaster recovery capabilities. Now we’re adding it into preview, this will be coming in June, the ability to have Azure be your location where you actually store the copy for disaster recovery. This is the No. 1 request that we’ve heard from organizations that are using Hyper-V Replication Manager today.
And with this, you have the ability for you to now have a complete disaster recovery solution with the ability to seamlessly fail over in an unplanned or planned manner to Azure.
And one of the things that really differentiates what we’ve done from anybody else in the market is it’s drop-dead simple. You can take this and apply it to all of your workloads and your services in your data center. You know, historically, disaster recovery has been something that’s been reserved for only the most mission-critical applications for most organizations because it’s too expensive and it’s too difficult.
You’re going to see here in a minute the simplicity of this. And I would encourage you, let’s have disaster recovery for every one of the offerings in our company. Every one of the offerings that your users and your customers are using.
And, finally, with the incredible automation capabilities that we have, Azure is able to monitor the health of your virtual machines. And when it detects something is wrong, automatically launch a set of instructions and automation to conduct that failover. Okay? You want take a look at it? Okay. So do me a favor and welcome Matt. He’s going to give you a view of site recovery with Microsoft Azure. Welcome, Matt. (Applause.)
MATT MCSPIRIT: Good morning. Good morning! (Crowd responds.) There we go.
Back in January, we announced the general availability of Hyper-V Recovery Manager, a Microsoft Azure-based solution that enables you to protect your core workloads and applications by orchestrating the replication and recovery of your on-premises private cloud to a secondary location.
But what if you don’t have a secondary location? Well, today I’m pleased to give you the very first look at a new capability we’re bringing to Microsoft Azure Site Recovery, specifically, replication and recovery of your on-premises private clouds into the Microsoft Azure data centers. Let’s take a look.
What we have on the screen here is a site recovery dashboard. And on the usage overview, you’ll see we’re not only protecting a number of Contoso VMs between our on-premises locations, we’re protecting a greater number of VMs into the Microsoft Azure data centers.
If we drill into protected items here, you’ll see we’ve got a number of protected clouds, all existing on premises, managed by System Center. And what you’ll notice on the right-hand side is four of them are already being replicated and recoverable into Microsoft Azure.
If we drill into the production cloud here, you’ll see we’re protecting a number of our key workloads: Active Directory, file servers, applications, SQL Servers — all centrally configured for replication and recovery using site recovery. You’ll notice on the right, they’re ready for failover in the event the need arises.
Now, let’s take a look at the configuration of this cloud. And you’ll see the target is Microsoft Azure. And if we scroll down, you’ll see some of the granular and flexible features that our customers and IT pros have asked for with replication intervals down to every 30 seconds, five minutes, or 15 minutes. Up to 15 additional recovery points and integration with app-consistent DSS-aware snapshots.
You’ll also notice if we zoom in here, support for encryption at rest, ensuring you can meet your regulatory and compliance requirements.
Now, that’s great that we’re replicating our VMs. But one of the most complex parts of configuring a DR plan is networking. Fortunately, site recovery makes it easy.
We’ll click on resources. And we’ll see we’re in the networks view here. I’ll select my on-premises location that I want to map my networks from and choose my target location, in this case Azure, where I’d like to map my networks to.
And you’ll see, I’ve got a number of on-premises networks mapped to some pre-created Azure virtual networks. And we just need to map the very last one that I’ve created in advance. I’m going to select map, choose my target network in Azure for my marketing network, in this case marketing DR. And this ensures that when VMs fail over, they’re failing over and they’re able to connect as you’d expect. So we’ll okay that. And that’ll take a few minutes in the background.
And we talked about replication and recovery. And we’ve talked about mapping our networks. But how do we ensure that in the event of a failover our VMs fail over in an orchestrated and controlled way? Because the last thing we want in the event of an outage is to bring your VMs online one by one manually.
And that’s where recovery plans come in. If we have a look at our recovery plans here, you’ll see we’ve got a couple. One that relates to our on-premises replication and recovery, and another that’s focused on recovery into Azure.
And I’ll click on this one here. And you’ll see it’s a series of orchestrated steps executed in a particular order. In the event of a planned failover where our primary site is still online, we’ll first shut the VMs down cleanly, replicate the delta changes, and then we’ll start the failover.
And you’ll see, we’re executing in groups here. First, our AD, Active Directory domain control, then our file servers, then our SQL Servers that rely on those files servers to be online. And then we get our line-of-business apps coming online. Apps, Web service, line-of-business apps. Because these are important and critical to our operations, I’ve actually injected after that group what’s known as a manual action.
In this case, if we bring up that view, you’ll see it’s actually asking somebody to physically do something. In this case, the line-of-business owner is going to log in, check that his app is working. And then as soon as he’s happy with it, he can click okay and the recovery plan will continue from there.
Let’s close that out and we’ll see our final virtual machine be brought online. You’ll see here if I zoom in, it’s not only Windows, it’s Linux-based virtual machines as well. And then last, and in many cases least, our marketing virtual machine.
Now, if we back out of there, you’ll see it’s incredibly easy to configure. But how do we initiate a failover? Well, before I initiate, it’s important that we test. And you’ll see down here, we provide support for testing because you want to know that your DR and your recovery plans execute as expected. And it doesn’t impact your primary site, and best of all, you can test as much as you need to.
Now, to initiate a failover, I’ll select failover. I’ll choose planned because our primary site is still online in this case. Now, before I execute, because this is a cloud service displayed in a rich HTML5 interface, I could be accessing this from my PC, my tablet, my smartphone, or even my Xbox One. Whatever is convenient.
And to initiate failover, I simply click. And that is the power of Microsoft Azure site recovery. And with that, I’ll hand back to Brad. Thank you. (Applause.)
BRAD ANDERSON: Just awesome stuff. You know, again, taking disaster recovery and being able to apply it to every single one of your workloads. And this capability, again, to be able to use Azure as your disaster recovery zone will be in preview in June.
I’m going to tell you a couple of anecdotes about this. One of the wonderful things about operating these cloud services is we get the telemetry back and we can see what’s worked and not worked and we can refine and improve. And it’s one of those things that is just incredibly rewarding. Weekly, I get a chance to go dive through all this telemetry and I take a look where anywhere between 3 to 5 percent of all the VMs around the world that are being protected with these capabilities have failed over.
And every week when I see those statistics and I see there’s been 100 percent success, I’ve got to say, I’m just filled with joy as I think about the value that we’re bringing to organizations around the world.
Okay, so we’ve been talking a lot about kind of maybe the cloud side of pieces. Let’s talk a little bit about the mobile side of the pieces now for a little bit.
And just like I made the statement about the cloud being integral to your data center, ladies and gentlemen, the cloud is going to be integral to all your enterprise mobility solutions as you move forward. These devices that every one of us bring into the office every single day, you know, we have these devices, they’re lit up and they’re made alive with all the applications that we download onto them, they’re personalized, they really become an extension of who we are.
And then every one of us comes into the office with these personal devices, and we want to have the same kind of incredible experience where I can collaborate, discover, find, and engage with individuals around me and the work environment just like I have in my personal environment.
And that’s the challenge that we all have. And the challenge that all of you have as you enable this is how do you enable users to be productive on all the devices they love while also keeping the company secure?
That is our vision statement that we have for this area. Literally, our vision around enterprise mobility is to enable all of you to enable your users to be productive on all the devices they love while keeping the company secure.
So I’m going to walk you through how we’re doing this. Now, as you think about your needs as you enable this, there are three big categories that I would propose you need to have.
And what I hope you see as I go through this over the next few minutes is the breadth to which we’re investing and what we’re bringing to help you from a mobility perspective is far and away more broad, more rich, more deep than any of the other mobile device management players on the market today. So let me walk through it.
It all begins with identity. And what you want to be able to do is leverage the investment you’ve made in Active Directory for a decade or more. And you want to be able to extend that out to the cloud. And when I say extend it out to the cloud, you want to be able to have that identity be common and used across all the SaaS apps your employees are using around the world.
Now, let me give you a fascinating data point here. We’re going to show you here in a couple of minutes the ability for us to actually give you a view of the SaaS apps that your employees are using within your company. And as we’ve worked with our early adopters on this, one of the questions we like to ask before we actually go run this is we ask, “How many SaaS apps do you think your employees are using?” Do you think they have any idea? Probably don’t. They’ll tell us, “Oh, I think they’re probably using 25.”
Well, on average, what we find is there are over 250 SaaS apps that employees are using in a given company completely unmanaged. So we’re going to help you bring all those SaaS applications under management, enabling single sign on for the users, as well as management for the IT professionals.
Then we have to do a wonderful job of doing device management and application management. And this is all about how you protect and enable the users on these devices. So device protection through mobile device management, and then application protection and the application of the files that are being used within those applications through mobile application management.
Now, let me ask you the question: What’s the first app everyone wants to bring under management on these mobile devices and protect? What’s the first app? E-mail. Right? I see everyone’s head nodding. The number of times that I’ve spoken to customers who have said, “If only I had Outlook on my iPad for my users. If only I had Outlook on my Android devices for my users, I could give my users such a better experience than what they’re currently getting today where I force down on them a custom-built e-mail application that is nowhere near as functional as what Outlook could provide.”
So what you’re going to see here, and we’re going to do this demonstration in two different parts today, we’re telling you that we are going to be bringing to the market a set of containers and application wrappers this calendar year on iOS and Android that’s going to allow you to bring your applications under management and manage what happens with the data that’s using those applications.
And wait until you see what we’re doing with Office and how we’re going to bring those beautiful Office applications on your iPad, Android and Windows devices under management in a way that gives your users the absolute best experience on their mobile devices of anyone in the market.
Finally, we believe in a layered approach to protection. Mobile device management allows you to protect the device. Mobile application management allows you to protect the application and the data in that application. But we also think you need to have a tier of protection where the protection actually travels with the file.
So in our data protection, we have a set of capabilities that we call Azure Rights Management Service. And what it allows us to do is actually embed inside of the data file the actual protection and access rights.
Let me give you some very real examples. My name is Brad Anderson. You know, I’m sorry to say that’s not a very unique name. You know, many of you probably know of other Brad Andersons in the industry, such as the former CEO of Best Buy and the former head of the Dell Server Division.
I can’t tell you the number of times when I have received e-mails destined for one of them where auto-fill put my name in rather than theirs. Okay? That is accidental data leakage protection.
With what we’re delivering to the market, again, across Windows, iOS and Android, if that sort of thing were to happen, it doesn’t matter because the access rights, privileges, and permissions actually travel in the file. The file protects itself.
And we know from the telemetry that we get from Office 365 that as we’ve done this work across all the Office applications and Adobe, we are actually providing this kind of protection in over 70 percent of all the data files that are used inside of the enterprise today.
So a tiered model allows you to get insights into, you know, the device protection, the application protection, as well as data protection.
And this now allows you to enable your users across all the devices that they love and extends your identity management out into the cloud.
Now, let me talk about how we bring this to the market. You know, back in March, Satya announced the release of the iPad applications from Office. In that same event, he also announced what we call the enterprise mobility suite.
The enterprise mobility suite is where we bring all these capabilities that give you the world’s best solution for enterprise mobility management. And we’ve also done innovation about how we package and price it.
We know you don’t want to count devices. So we actually bring this to market at $4 per user per month, independent of the number of devices that they have.
Okay, so for $4 per user per month, you can get all these rich capabilities that I just talked about, enable your users across all their devices, and let them just go crazy and bring in whatever device that they want to have to come into work because they’re going to be more happy, they’re going to be more satisfied, and they’re going to be more productive.
Let me talk about one other innovation that we’re bringing that has to do with application management. Every one of you has got vast inventories of applications that you need to deliver down to your users. Many of those applications are Windows-based applications that you now need to deliver down to personal devices, again, cross iOS, Android and Windows.
One of the No. 1 requests that we get from organizations is we don’t want to have to build out the infrastructure to be able to host the ability to remote applications to my users’ devices. I want you to do that in Azure.
So today we’re putting into preview Azure Remote App. This is literally a re-architecture, a rewrite of remote desktop services that’s been built expressly to run inside of Azure and has been built to take advantage of all the incredible enterprise-grade capabilities of Azure.
This now gives you the ability — you’re going to be able to upload your line-of-business applications up into Azure, and then have those remoted down to your users’ devices, again, across Windows, iOS and Android. Available today because we’re delivering this as a service. You’re going to see us iterating on this at just a rate that’s unbelievable, bringing new value constantly. So stay tuned, you’re going to see us bring a lot of value that many of you are going to have questions about.
Now, one interesting data point I’ll tell you about this. Back in October, we released the clients or the applications for RDS on Mac, iOS and Android. Since October, we’ve had more than 4 million downloads of those applications across the stores, with spectacular ratings.
You want to see some of this? (Crowd responds.) Okay. So what we’re going to do here is we’re now going to show you what it means to extend your identity, have identity management in the context of enterprise mobility, and Azure Remote Apps. Adam, welcome.
ADAM HALL: Thank you, Brad. (Applause.) Good morning, everybody. Now, as I’m sure you’re all aware, Active Directory is the primary authentication mechanism in over 90 percent of businesses around the world.
As an IT pro, identity more than ever is how you’re going to control how users get access to data and to applications.
I’m going to show you today how our hybrid identity solutions centered around Active Directory and Azure Active Directory are going to help you do this in your business.
I’m going to start here as a user, and I’m going to log onto a SaaS application, by way of example, Office 365. I enter my user ID and click “next.”
Now, the first thing you’re going to see is that I’m redirected to a corporate sign-in page. Here, I can enter my corporate credentials, the same ones that I use in the office every day, sign in, and be granted access to the application, in this case my mailbox.
Now, I want you to stop and just think about what you just saw. A user went to a SaaS application, entered their Active Directory credentials, and was granted access to the application.
We can achieve this because we have connected our on-premises Active Directory to Azure Active Directory.
This is the Azure Active Directory administration portal. Our company is using Azure Active Directory to provide a single sign-on for all of our applications on premises and in the cloud.
One of the capabilities that we provide with Azure Active Directory are security reports. These security reports are built using machine learning. And we run these across all of the authentications that happen against Azure Active Directory. We do this at incredible scale. In the time it takes me to say this sentence, Azure Active Directory will have completed 100,000 authentications. That’s over 2 billion per day. That’s incredible scale.
Here, you see some of the reports that are there. I can see things like users with anomalous sign-in activity. This is where a user is operating in one mode and then for some strange reason, something unusual happens and something else happens, potentially a breach.
I can see users who are possibly signing in from infected devices, maybe with viruses or malware. And the report that I want to show you today is the sign-in from multiple geographies.
This report, which I like to refer to as the “impossible travel report,” shows me users who have logged in from two geographic locations where it’s not possible to get between those locations in a given time frame.
Here, I can see this rather suspicious user, Adam Hall, has apparently managed to log on from France and the United States in under two minutes. Now, I don’t know about you guys, but I’m pretty sure that I can’t get from France to the United States in under two minutes with any known transport to man.
So the most likely outcome here is that a bad guy has compromised my user account and is using it to impersonate me around the world.
As an administrator I want to be able to take a response to that. I can either reset the user’s password or I can enforce a multifactor authentication. In either case the bad guy gets locked out and the user has to re-verify their identity before they’re allowed to access any more corporate information.
So we have all this information about users, we can see what they’re doing, but where do the user accounts come from. If I move across to the user’s list, here I see all of the users in my organization regardless of where they originated. And I can use this list to grant users access to applications. The question I have, though, is what applications are they accessing?
In a recent survey, over 80 percent of users admitted that they were using nonapproved SaaS applications to get their job done at work, 80 percent nonapproved. As an administrator that’s a big problem for me, these users are storing and accessing applications that I don’t know where they are, and I have no way of controlling access to that data.
I would like to introduce you to the Cloud App Discovery Tool. This is a tool that as an administrator allows me to see what applications my users are accessing. I can see how many applications they’re using, and I can drill in and see not only which applications they’re accessing, but how many users are accessing each of these applications. This allows me to work with my business to prioritize which applications we want to bring under corporate control first. Once I understand which applications to bring under control, I can use Azure Active Directory, which contains a gallery of nearly 1,300 SaaS applications to preconfigure these apps so that my users can get single sign on using their Active Directory Credentials. I can even delegate this down to a business application owner and allow them to control which users can access the application.
Now, speaking of getting access to applications, something that I’m very excited to show you for the very first time is Azure Remote App. This is a new service, as Brad mentioned, that’s in preview from today. My company is using Azure Remote App to deliver our application running on Windows Server leveraging the power and the scale of Azure.
I can publish access to applications that my users can launch and run from anywhere on a wide range of devices using the Microsoft Remote Desktop Client. Azure Remote App is a cloud service and it will automatically scale up and scale back down based on the load that my users are doing on it.
Now we’ll be talking a lot more about Remote App in Foundation Vision 02, straight after the keynote, and in breakout sessions throughout the week. So guys, Microsoft is delivering amazing enterprise mobility capability enabling you to deliver self-service and single sign-on in your businesses today.
Thank you. Have a great TechEd, and I look forward to catching up with you during the week.
BRAD ANDERSON: Thanks, Adam.
All right. Identity management, Azure Remote App. Let us worry about the scaling. Let us worry about the headings of managing the supply chain, of building out the infrastructure for you to be able to host all of your applications and then remote them down to the different devices.
Now, one word here as well, you’ll see us continue to work with our long-term partner Citrix in this area as well, and we’ll continue to work with them on what they announced last week of all their workspace services coming to Azure as well as areas around an Azure Remote App as we go forward. So look forward to that as well.
So now let’s transition a little bit and talk to the developers in the audience for a minute. And as we think about what the cloud can bring to developers, I would make the statement here that today every one of you, from an enterprise organization, just has this incredible inventory of Windows applications. It’s not uncommon for me to hear about thousands of applications and views that have been built over the last 10-15 years.
In fact, I recently met with a pharmaceutical and a financial organization who told me they have over 10,000 apps that they use inside their organization.
Right now, in this calendar year, the No. 1 priority for CEOs around the world is to improve the user experience, both for their end users as well as for their customers, and all of that is coming down to the apps that get built across all these devices to improve the engagement. So I would submit that the cloud is going to be integral to accelerating application innovation as we move forward.
Now as we talk with developers around the world, it’s a pretty common and simple set of things that they ask for but yet have gone undelivered. They want to be able to develop and have a simple development model that can apply across all of the different devices. They want to be able to iterate quickly. They love the value that they hear about that comes from the cloud in order of how you get telemetry back. You can improve, you can refine, you can be constantly delivering out value.
And, finally, they want to be able to do it in a rapid development process that really just comes down to how do they get value out faster and faster? They don’t want to be locked into some kind of a model where they’re only able to get new capabilities out every six months, every year, every two years. So what we’ve been working on at Microsoft is how we enable this, how we enable you to build once, run everywhere, with rich applications optimized for the cloud and the value that brings in a rapid development cycle.
So let’s talk about multidevice, and let’s start right at home with Windows for a minute. At BUILD we announced what we call Universal Windows Applications. This is incredible work that the Operating Systems Group has been doing where they’re converging on a common kernel for all the devices. With Universal Windows Applications, you can now literally have a single project in Visual Studio and that code, the vast majority of that code, more than 90 percent of that code can apply across the entire Windows family, from across PCs, tablets, phones and the Xbox. Okay, a remarkable set of capabilities. And it’s the first and only in the industry that with a single code base you can actually get applicability and reach to the entire Windows portfolio.
Now let me give you an example on some of the innovation that’s coming in future versions of Windows. And what I’m going to demo for you here is I want to demo to you something that’s in Windows Phone 8.1. First of all, let me just kind of point out this is a new Nokia 930 that’s going to be coming around the world. A beautiful, beautiful device I would encourage you to take a look at.
Now, the first thing that I want to show you here is I want to show you one of the innovations that we call Cortana. So let’s just start.
Good morning, Cortana.
CORTANA: Good morning.
BRAD ANDERSON: Cortana, the first and only personal digital assistant in the cloud. This is just a native part of the operating system here on Windows Phone 8.1 powered by the cloud, powered by Bing. It gets to know who I am. It watches my preferences. It watches what I do. And then what that allows it to do is when I interact with it, it surfaces up the things that are relevant to me given what my past behavior has been.
So let’s just give you a couple of examples here. If I click on search here, the first thing is it’s going to show me when I come into search here is things that are important to me. It’s going to show, for example, the weather where we’re at. It’s going to show, for example, it’s tracking my flight home, and it would notify me if there were any changes. It knows that I’m a huge Seahawks fan, I wanted to know how they did in the draft. But it’s doing these things based upon what it is that I like to do.
Now, let’s take a look at what things that Cortana can do for me. What’s on my calendar for Thursday?
CORTANA: You’ve got two events Thursday, at 10:00 a.m., one-on-one Sara at my office. And at 3:00 p.m., planning meeting at Room 3210.
BRAD ANDERSON: I can use this to make me productive. Let’s say, for example, I wanted to go schedule something for Friday night.
Go see Godzilla, Friday, May 16th at 7:00 p.m.
CORTANA: All right. I’ll add “go see Godzilla” to your calendar for Friday at 7:00 p.m. Sound good?
CORTANA: Okay. I’ve added it. Just so you know, you have date night with my wife to see a romantic comedy at the same time.
BRAD ANDERSON: Yes, I’m not sure if Cortana is going to be able to help me position Godzilla as a romantic night out, but we’ll see what it can do.
Find me the best barbeque in Houston.
CORTANA: There are 10 barbeque places in Houston that have good reviews.
BRAD ANDERSON: It’s able to interact with Yelp, and again it’s just surfacing information that’s relevant to me. If I had asked, find me a great restaurant, it would know what kind of food I like, and it would bring that up to the top of the results because it knows who I am.
Now, let’s watch some of the other things that it’s able to do. And this is one of the things that is unique to Cortana that nothing else like this in the industry can do, because it knows who I interact with from a people perspective.
Next time I speak with Chris remind me to congratulate him on his daughter’s graduation.
CORTANA: Okay, next time you talk to Chris Brian, I’ll remind you to congratulate him on his daughter’s graduation. Is that right?
So it knows who I am.
CORTANA: Got it.
BRAD ANDERSON: And it knows the people I interact with, and it’s able to make those connections for me. One of the great things about Cortana is, say I’m in a meeting and I want to be able to use the capabilities, I don’t have to speak, I can interact with the keyboard here. So let’s say that I wanted to see all e-mail from Chris.
Really what it does here is it brings up all the e-mail on the device, and if I were to click on one of those, it reminds me to congratulate him on his daughter. If I got a text, a phone call, anything from Chris it would automatically remind me. Gone are going to be those days when I forget to congratulate people on different parts of their life.
One other thing for the developers in the audience real fast, one of the nice things about Cortana is it has an interface that you can actually take your line of business applications you’re building and enable them for this kind of capability. The way that you do that is you just simply speak the name of the application and then the request. So for example here, let’s say that I have an application and I’m working for a company called Contoso that’s a construction company. Watch what I can do.
Contoso find jobs near me.
CORTANA: Searching Contoso engineering. There are several jobs near your current location.
BRAD ANDERSON: So I can take my own internal applications and enable them for this rich kind of experience. The last thing I want to mention is we’ve done work inside of Windows Phone 8.1 by introducing the same management or mobile device management capabilities that we’ve had in Windows, specifically RT, so that this device now can be a first-class citizen in the enterprise fully managed by the mobile device management capabilities that you have, so universal Windows applications and the applicability across those devices across the entire family.
Now, historically as developers we’ve been faced with a set of decisions as we set out to do a new project and it seems like we’ve been in a tyranny of “or.” Do we opt for building native applications that deliver rich experiences, but now I have to develop multiple applications, it’s more time consuming and expensive, or do I go for breadth and develop in HTML? With the new version of Visual Studio we’re breaking this tyranny of or. And what we’re doing here now is we’re innovating across the industry, with partners and with open source, to deliver incredible capabilities that get you out of that position.
So first of all, if you’re a .NET developer you now can use .NET to develop native applications for iOS and Android through the partnership with Xamarin. Literally one project and you can then have that automatically built in a way that takes advantage of the unique capabilities of the various platforms and get rich applications with 60, 70 percent of your code common. We use this internally on the Intune team. The self-service portal that you see, that you interact with our service, is all built using Xamarin.
For those of you who are Web developers, what we’ve done is we’ve integrated now with Apache Cordova and Cordova has taken the ability to develop what the industry is calling hybrid apps, which is a mixture of HTML and JavaScript, which allows you to have a Web app that has a much richer experience. So again, taking you Web developers and enabling you to deliver a much richer experience than you ever have been able to do before, all through Visual Studio.
The other thing I want to talk about real quickly is the work that we’re doing on and how we’re going to enable you to take this to the cloud and build the world’s best cloud applications using So literally we’re doing things to make it more agile, allowing you to iterate faster and just be quick in your development cycle. We’re making it faster to help you achieve the absolute with maximum throughput and scalability. With things like this you can actually choose what to decide in every application and even in every request. And finally it continues to be open. It’s cross-platform and we’ve open sourced this work to make sure that truly is the best solution for you to build your cloud applications.
Now finally, if we talk about fast iteration and fast time to value, we wanted to show you what we’ve been doing and the progress we’ve been making in the application lifecycle, delivering from the cloud. And to do that Brian is going to come up on stage and give us a demo. Give him a hand. (Applause.)
BRIAN HARRY: Thanks, Brad. I appreciate it.
Welcome. It’s good to be back at TechEd. So I’m going to tell you about a few things we’ve been doing recently in application lifecycle management. So from the beginning we’ve thought sort of the key ingredient to application lifecycle management is integration, enabling all of the people involved in software development in your organization to stay up-to-date with what’s happening. We started with a core set of capabilities around developer transparency. Let’s understand what’s happening with the developers in the development process.
Over time we’ve built that out adding capabilities for project management, for testing, about a year ago release management, and then most recently application insights that enables you to actually see what’s happening inside your application in the deployed environment, whether it’s on a server running in your data center, the public cloud, or on a device in your user’s hands. It helps you understand how it’s performing, whether it’s reliable, and what your users are doing with it.
And of course, we’ve spent a lot lately focused on bringing all of that ALM value to the cloud with Visual Studio Online. A month ago at BUILD we announced that we now have over a million users of Visual Studio Online, and that it had reached general availability, meaning that it has a financially backed service level agreement, and you can count on it for your mission-critical applications.
Of course, we found as people have adopted Visual Studio Online and they try to modernize their application lifecycle processes that they’ve inevitably got a set of tools that they use internally, whether those tools are things they’ve built, or things that they’ve bought, in order to achieve that core integrated application lifecycle management value they have to integrate those tools with Visual Studio. So today we’re rolling out a new set of open APIs for Visual Studio Online. These APIs are based on open standards, they use REST, OAuth and service hooks to enable you to integrate any of your existing applications with Visual Studio Online and achieve that end-to-end benefit.
In order to sort of show what we can do here I’m going to invite out Richard White, CEO and founder of UserVoice, to show some of the cool stuff we’ve been able to do together.
RICHARD WHITE: Thanks, Brian.
BRIAN HARRY: Thank you, Richard. (Applause.)
RICHARD WHITE: So at UserVoice we’re all about helping companies make the best user experience through making user feedback manageable and actionable. And we’ve helped thousands of companies manage feedback from millions of end users and employees to do this. But, I’m really excited to be here today with you, Brian, because the integration we’ve done with Visual Studio allows us really easily to go from user feedback to engineering and back to the users in a seamless way. So I thought we’d do a quick demo.
BRIAN HARRY: Great. Sounds good.
RICHARD WHITE: I’m going to be the product manager in this demo and Brian is going to be the engineering manager. What I’m going to show you real quick here, what you’re looking at is actually a UserVoice portal. It’s a public portal some just sample ideas on it. You can imagine your users are employees coming to this, giving their feedback, and voting up the feedback of other users. This is a public portal. Anyone can access this one. But, you can even have it privately behind Active Directory authentication.
But, I’m a product manager so this is not where I live. I live in here. And this is our admin console where I will get not just the feedback that users are giving me, but I also will get the data analytics so I know what things we should be prioritizing and putting into our next spritz.
So what’s really cool is very quickly I’ve decided that this is something we should actually work on. This is the thing we should do next and so I wanted to send it over to Brian team so they can put it in the backlog and prioritize this. And all I need to do is go to this gear here, click create work item in Visual studio. I can edit this if I wanted to. I hit submit. And now you see that this is syncing to Visual Studio. So Brian you should see something on your side now.
BRIAN HARRY: Excellent. So it showed up on my list. I’m the developer. It showed up on my backlog. And this, of course, is a pretty important item. So I’m going to drag this to the top and we’re going to work on this immediately. You’ll notice it’s automatically been tagged as a UserVoice suggestion. So I can super-easily search and filter to find all of the items on my backlog that come directly from my end users.
Now, my team uses Kanban so let’s switch over to the Kanban board. And we can see that automatically that item has showed up on my Kanban board as a card. I can drag that over into approved, because that’s something we’re going to start working on. And immediately that’s going to send data back to UserVoice, so that the product manager knows that we’re going to work on that. While I’m at it, let’s go in and I’ll enter a comment that says we’re starting on that today. I’ll save and close that and let’s see what that looks like over in UserVoice.
So now that Brian has updated that and marked it as approved I actually see in my history in UserVoice what’s been happening in engineering. And so I see this marked as approved. I see Brian’s comment that it’s starting today. So I’m going to close the loop with users and send out a status update. So I’m going to mark this idea as started. And this is actually going to not only post on the portal that we started working on this, it’s also going to directly message back to everyone that wanted this functionality and let them know they’ve been heard.
So we’re super-excited about this connection, from feedback to engineering and back to end users. We think it’s super-important for agile, customer-centric companies, and I’m really glad to be here today.
BRIAN HARRY: Thank you, Richard. (Applause.)
So that’s one example of the kinds of things that you can do. I’d encourage you to join me in the foundational session immediately after the keynote, where we’re going to talk about dozens of other integrations that we’ve already built. We’re also going to spend some time talking about all the other cool stuff we’ve been working on in ALM and some of the cool stuff that’s going to come out in the coming months.
Thank you very much. (Applause.)
BRAD ANDERSON: Thanks, Brian. That’s a great color shirt.
All right. So we talked about IT pros, we talked about developers. In many ways I think this is where it’s actually going to get the most fun this morning. Let’s talk about all the innovations that we’re doing for users and talk about how in this mobile-first, cloud world mobile-first/cloud-first world our users can get value. The things that we can do for them and literally I think the cloud is going to enable our users to do things they’ve only dreamed of in the past. Literally the cloud opens up opportunities that have never been possible before as we deliver all your capabilities that you’re doing on premises.
So we wanted to give you a view of how we actually do this. And to start with, let’s actually take a view of a video where if you step back and imagine working in a world that’s incredibly connected what we can do. Let’s take a watch.
(Video segment.)
Again, opening ourselves up and saying, let’s dream, let’s imagine what’s possible in the world of productivity, and of data insights, and how we enable that across all users across all devices.
So let’s get into it. First of all, you know, as humans we just have an uncanny ability to achieve if we can only focus. Every single one of us that’s listening to this today is facing this common flood of information coming into us. The technology needs to help us by presenting to us the things that are personalized that are relevant to us that are tying and help us to move from information to action.
Second, we need to open up all of our communications and we need to literally work like a network. Today far too many of the communications are locked up inside of organizations along the organizational boundaries. All too often the sharing and the communication we do, again, is locked up within those boundaries. We need to open that up. And by default we should have the ability to share across an organization everything. And by default we should be in a much more open environment that is inviting and allows me to increase my knowledge.
And the third thing is, we have to enable our users, we have to empower them in a responsible manner. So as we think about mobility, and we think about enterprise mobile management, we want to enable our users in a way that is enabling, not blocking, as we help them understand how to protect the corporate assets. At the same time, we have to strike the right balance so that IT only has access to policy and express policy on the corporate things on these personal devices, and doesn’t stray into the personal side of the device. So we’re going to talk more about that over the next few minutes.
So let’s focus for just a minute on going from information to action, and so much of this depends on having a comprehensive data platform. You have to start with the wonderful place where you can bring all your data together, structured, unstructured, bring that all together in one place. You then have to have an analytics engine that allows you to refine, purify and process that data. In Azure we have a set of capabilities that we call HD Insight, and HD Insight is built upon Hadoop, and you can bring all your information up into HD Insight, and you’ve got this incredible and powerful analytics engine there to then start to gain insight. And then you need to get that data to the people, and you need to give that data to all the people, just not the data scientists, and do it in the tools and in the capabilities and things that the customers are wanting, that your users want to use. That’s why we surface all of this up through Excel. So now the 1 billion users of Office can have this incredible business intelligence experience in the tools that they know and that they love. And this literally is what delivers to you that comprehensive data platform.
Again, this is one of those things that you just have to see to understand. So with that let’s take a look literally at how the City of Barcelona is using this to go from information to action. So let’s give Eron a hand.
ERON KELLY: Thanks, Brad.
It’s great to be here at TechEd to share with you how our customers are turning insight into action. The City of Barcelona has always been focused on delivering great services to their citizens and visitors. And for those of you who have been there for one of their big festivals, you know they throw a great party. Now they’re going to move to the Microsoft Cloud to make it even better.
And so the first service I want to highlight here, and they’re doing this across many, is called Bicing. And with Bicing you check out a bike from a kiosk and kind of drive it around the city, and you can check it back into another kiosk. It’s a very, very low cost way of getting around the city. And there are two things they wanted to understand about Bicing. One, where are the bicycles all around the city at a given time and, two, they wanted to measure social sentiment, and see what do citizens think of these various services that we’re delivering here in the city.
Now, as Brad said, not everyone is a data scientist, so in many cases the employees of the city are using their tool they love, Excel, to do the analysis. So let’s start here. Now, all data projects, of course, start with getting some data. In this case, I’m going to do an online search right from Excel and find some data. What’s good about this is with Power BI I can not only search public data sources, like here climate data from Wikipedia around Barcelona, but I also have the ability to look at curated organizational data. So this is data that I pick and curate for me, and I as an end user know that it’s safe and ready to use.
So let me check out this one right here. This looks good, it’s got information on street location. And what I really need here is, what are the locations of the bicycles around the city. Let me go ahead and grab that and I’m going to load that into Excel so I can start to do some analysis, great, great feature of online search. Now I’ve got my data.
Now, of course, I want to bring in the social sentiment. And here’s where one of our great partners, BI Smarts, has come in. And what they’ve done is, as Brad mentioned, is they’ve done some Hadoop analysis in HD Insight up in Azure. And what this allows the customers to do is it allows you to look at social sentiment data up in the cloud. And what this has allowed the city to do is they don’t necessarily have to have the data scientist experts, but what they can do is rely on partners to bring that data to them.
And here I see the file here, and it’s the sentiment data I’m looking for, it’s got my tweets, it’s got my sentiment there. I’m positive. This is what I need. So let me go ahead and merge this now with my existing data set. I’m going to go ahead and merge. And here in Power Query this is called a merge, and I’m going to use the station location as the way of doing that. And for those DBAs in the room, think of this as like a join. Do we have any DBAs out there? Not too many.
So now I’ve got the data that I’m looking for, and let me go ahead and bring this into Excel. So now I’ve got my data, I’ve got a combined data set. I’ve got my line of business data that was curated by IT. I’ve got my social sentiment that was developed by a partner. But it’s hard for me to do analysis like this. I really need more power. So I’m going to go to Power Map. And let me go ahead and launch Power Map.
And what Power Map is is a great feature of Excel that allows me to do great visualizations around this kind of data. And here I can see the map of Barcelona, and I can see the location of the different bicycle stations. Let me add some more data in. Let me go ahead and add bikes available there like that, and I can see where the various bikes available. I can also add some street data. Now I can start to see what’s happening in the city. I can kind of hover over each of these bars and see the number of bikes available at the different locations.
So that’s pretty cool. So I’ve got half of it done. Now what I want to do is I want to layer in that sentiment. And let me go ahead and add another layer. Okay, so here we have sentiment. I’m going to go over here and I want to map in with latitude and longitude the Twitter sentiment. I’m going to show that as a heat map now. And let’s take a look at some of the positive tweets. So there’s the positive tweets. Let’s look at this, let’s zoom back into the city and see what’s going on, see what these correlations might look like.
And then, as you can see there, you can see where the bicycle locations are, you can also see that there’s a lot of positive tweets around where there’s a lot of bicycles. That’s great.
Let’s look at the other side of the house. Let’s look at where the negative tweets are. If I just toggle the data just like that, I can see a new trend. You can see now that there’s negative tweets associated with a lack of bicycles in that area, very, very insightful.
So think of what we’ve done so far. We’ve got curated data out of the data catalogue that was curated by IT. We have social sentiment off of Hadoop and Azure. We’ve combined that together in a rich visualization tool here in Excel so that end users can start to manipulate and interact with the data. Really, really cool, very powerful. But, you know what, this isn’t even the best part.
The best part is a feature that’s called Q&A that’s in the Power BI service. With Q&A you can actually ask a question in natural language and you get an answer. So it’s kind of like HAL in “Space Odyssey,” except Q&A is not going to try to crash the ship.
So let’s take a look. Let’s take a look at the total bikes available. And I can look at the total bikes available, and I can see there’s about 3,000. Now how about by street, and this is what’s so powerful. Q&A says, you’re looking at a comparison, let me give you a line chart. Just ask your question and get an answer. How about versus total capacity? So I can start to see some comparisons. I get a scatter chart. I can even look at this as a line chart. And now I can start to take some action.
And so the city employees are looking at data like this and they’re saying, hey, where is there a location where the bike is available and the total capacity is the same? Let me roll trucks to those locations, pick up some bikes, and move them over to other parts of the city where we don’t have nearly as many bikes. And I can get to that by just asking a question. It’s really, really cool.
Now let’s also take a look at this negative sentiment, so I can look at these negative tweets, as well. And again, I see this correlation where the more negative tweets I see the fewer bikes are available there. But, there are some outliers like Rossello. That’s a street in Barcelona. Should we drill into that? Let’s take a look. So I can look at tweet messages for Rossello. And just like that Q&A gives me the actual tweets that happened around that city.
So think about the power of this, curated data from IT, sentiment data from Hadoop, and I put it in a service like Power BI and I can literally ask a question and drill into a specific tweet. This is what we talk about when we say taking insight and turning it into action.
Thank you very much. (Applause.)
BRAD ANDERSON: Like imagine how much you can revolutionize and empower users if you deliver them those set of capabilities. Okay. So let’s keep going here, lots of exciting things to talk about in this last segment. Okay. So first of all, let’s talk about the future of productivity, let’s talk about the future of Office and how we’re going to make that manageable for you in the enterprise in this mobile-first, cloud-first world.
First I want to talk a little about what we call Office Graph. Think about Office Graph as a set of capabilities we can run in the cloud based upon the same cloud infrastructure that Cortana is, that’s able to understand an individual’s intent, of course based upon historical actions, preferences and relationships.
Imagine then being able to surface up to you timely and relevant data inside of the Office capabilities, inside of the Office tools, that apply to what you’re doing at that moment on that given day. Imagine being able to open up your e-mail and have it sorted to the things most important to you right then, the task at hand. Imagine going to a meeting and the tool is automatically surfacing up to you all the relevant information for that meeting. That’s what we’re going to deliver through the cloud through Office 365. We’re going to show you here in a minute.
We talked about working like a network to take that next step and really bring up take that next leap in productivity. We’ve got to open up our communication internally within our companies. Far too often we’re so contained within the organizational structures and by default our communications are closed. What if by default all of our communications were open and discoverable across the entire organization, how much more knowledgeable, how much more smart, how much more productive would we be? And finally, we need to enable this across all the devices and really unleash this mobile productivity.
Now let me get specific on some of the things that we’re talking about here. There’s been a number of tweets this morning asking for more information here. What we’ve been doing is working across the Intune and Office teams to natively now instrument the Office 365 apps across all the platforms to natively be manageable through Intune. That’s going to allow you to do things like control where your users save corporate documents in e-mail, as well as the Office applications. It’s also going to enable you to manage things like where you can copy and paste to. We’re going to take that same set of capabilities and we’re going to deliver that to all of you in the form of a wrapper that you can wrap your own applications, just a note for those of you who have been working with App V, what’s App V? It’s a wrapper for Windows applications. The team that has built our wrappers is the App V team, which I would debate is the most qualified organization in the world to build wrappers. This will all be available in the second half of this calendar year and this combination of Office, and of Intune as a component of the enterprise mobility suite, will give you far and away the best productivity and management solution for your users. Are you interested in seeing it? (Applause.)
Okay, a little more energy than that. Are you interested in seeing it? (Audience response.) There we go. All right. Let’s welcome Julia. Give her a hand. (Applause.)
JULIA WHITE: All right. Thanks, Brad.
All right. Now Brad talked about how we can work more like a network with open, discoverable communications and how we can take a step function in productivity with crystallized relevance-based experiences and, of course, how we can be productive and secure across all of our devices.
Now, I am going to show you both some recently released capabilities, as well as what’s coming in the future with both Office 365 and Intune. So let me first start here in OneDrive for business. Now, I know many of you are struggling right now with lots of rogue storage and sharing solutions that your users are bringing in. A lot of them are consumer-based, or they’re niche vendors that you don’t support. Now with OneDrive for business, you have an IT-managed business-class storage and sharing solution that you can manage and your users will love. And it now has one terabyte of storage per user, amazing value.
And as a user it’s so easy to work with. So all I can do is I can just drag and drop content right into my OneDrive For Business experience that simply, but also we know users are working in all different circumstances. And I might want to sync and locally sync. So I just click the sync there and when I do that if I go to my Windows file view you can see there is that same content synched locally. So I can be working online or offline. And if I’m offline and make some changes it just syncs back up when I’m back online. So I always have one source of the truth. But, I can always be productive.
Now, this is also where I share my content, because I want to collaborate and share with people across the company and outside the company. So to do that I just click on this sharing icon and you can see I’ve shared this document with several people, but I can share it with more just as easily.
And so because, again, this is IT-managed, as I type additional people like Bonnie, my Active Directory renders up that address list, so I can just grab Bonnie. But, I can also share with someone outside the company, as well. So for example, Joe at, and anyone I’d want. And of course, you can configure this whether you can share it just internally or externally, as well. And with that click I have literally taken that document, shared it with someone inside the company to collaborate, as well as someone outside the company to collaborate.
Let’s talk about collaboration, because that’s how work is increasingly getting done in kind of the new default. So if I open this Word document by default it opens it into my browser-based experience, Word Online. And I can choose to edit it in my desktop app, or in my browser. I’ll go ahead and do it in the browser. Now as it opens it also you’ll see that there’s actually two other people editing, both Doris and Robin. Let me just scroll down here so you can get a sense. I can actually see real time exactly what edits they’re making. Look, there’s Doris making some edits. There’s Robin. So pixel-by-pixel I actually see the edits that are happening.
Now as they’re making their edits I want to do some edits, as well. And I’m going to show you one of my favorite new features in Office 365, TellMe. So maybe I want to add a table, but I can’t remember where in the ribbon to do that, I don’t remember where that command is. Well, I don’t have to care about that anymore. I can just go to TellMe and say, “insert table.” And it takes me not to some help and how-to, it takes me to the actual command. So there I type it in, it takes me to the command, and I drop that table in that easily. So again, I don’t have to know where that is in the ribbon and find it. I can just drop it in with the TellMe feature.
Now the team there, my companions are making all the edits they want, and making the document look great, now I’m done with my edit, so I’m going to go back to my OneDrive For Business and I now want to share this information out with my company. And of course the best way to do that is using our enterprise social experience with Yammer just straight from OneDrive for business. I can just go ahead and post that out to Yammer, because it’s all just part of Office 365. So I’ll go ahead and post that out there.
Now let’s go to Yammer to take a look at that. There is that post that I just made and this is my great enterprise social experience, but in an IT-managed way, right. And it has all the capabilities I want. So I can like it, I can reply, and again, because it’s connected to Active Directory if I want to at-mention someone I can do that. There’s my address list, again, rendered, so it’s all connected and it’s that simple.
Now, because as Brad talked about, in enterprise social it’s open and discoverable I posted this out for anyone in the company to find. So if it’s relevant to them they have access to it. And that’s the new model of how we all want to work. And that’s the magic of enterprise social. And now this is my all-company view, but it’s also about how we work with groups of people, something we do every day. We bring groups of people to address a business need. And today we have these groups in Yammer. But, I’m actually going to switch over to a different Yammer experience. I’m actually going to switch over now to our dog food environment for Office 365. So I’m going to show you what’s coming in the future with groups and open communications.
So here I’m in my dog food experience for Office 365 and I have different groups. And here I’m in my marketing campaign group. And you see I have members across the company, but anyone can find this group and join it if it’s relevant to them. And you’ll see we’re discussing some videos and looking at some presentations. Now that’s great in terms of being in my Yammer experience, but we’re now going to take this lightweight ad hoc groups experience across all of Office 365. And let me show you what that looks like.
So I’m going to switch over here to my Outlook experience in the browser, Outlook Web App. And here is my inbox and my e-mail, as you would expect, and it looks like that. But, I also now have groups right down here and you see those are the same groups I just showed you in my Yammer experience. But, they’re now in my Outlook experience, too. And if I click on that marketing campaign there, in fact, is that same conversation. So now we’ve taken the benefit of these open, discoverable communications, but putting it in a tool that people are so familiar with, like Outlook. And everywhere I go across Office 365 will have this open communication by default. And we’ve done some smart things to make sure users know exactly what’s happening.
So unlike my traditional e-mail, when I’m in my group here the conversation goes down like a news feed, and I reply here at the bottom, or if I want to start a new conversation I do it up here at the top. So it’s just a little bit different than my personal inbox, so as a user I know when I’m in my personal inbox versus when I’m in this open conversation.
Now, talking about being open and discovering new things. A great example of that. So I work with Jim here on all kinds of projects, not just this marketing campaign. So I want to know if Jim is in a group, it’s a probably relevant to me as well. So I want to go see what groups Jim is part of. So I just click on this group here, and I can see that he’s in two groups that I’m not already a part of. So I want to go learn more.
So I can click into this group and I can actually get a view of the conversation right here if I want to see what’s going on. And I see, yes, this group and this conversation is pretty interesting to me, I do want to join this. So all I have to do is click right here, and I can join right from there. And you’ll notice it says it’s a public group, which means I can discover it and I can automatically join. I can also create private groups, which means you need permission to join as well. So different models there, but it’s giving you a sense of what that open communication experience looks like.
Now, if I go back to this marketing campaign here, and Bill is up here asking me about this video that he showed me and whether it’s useful for the campaign. Now I remember this video, it was in some meeting Bill had showed me a while ago, but I don’t remember where it was and where it was stored, and if he shared with me or not. And so what I would normally do today is I would probably respond here and ask him where the video link is, or maybe I would look on my OneDrive account, or maybe I’d Bing it.
Thanks to the power of the Office Graph that Brad described, and our new app code named “Oslo” that we’ve built on top of the graph, one of many apps that we’re building on the Office Graph, now I don’t have to go look for that information. That information is actually going to come to me.
So this is “Oslo,” and this is an app sitting on top of the Office Graph. And the Office Graph knows what I’m working on, it knows what my co-workers are working on, and it knows the actions we’re taking. And it’s taking all that information and it’s surfacing here a view of the content that’s most relevant and most important to me. So imagine instead of opening my Windows File Explorer just seeing a list of content. That’s not very useful. But this is actually showing me real-time based on my actions and the actions of people across the company, this is the information that’s most important to me, it’s the most relevant, and totally personalized. This is my view uniquely, and it tells me why.
So if I go to this marketing campaign here, it shows me that it was modified by me, that it’s trending around me, which means my co-workers and people I’m working with are also taking action on this document, that I’ve liked it, and I’ve viewed it. Again, this is real time, always being updated by that intelligence layer sitting in the Office Graph.
But this is kind of my default view, right, when I come to Oslo and see what’s most important. But I can use Oslo to do all kinds of different searches. And we have some default views that we think people will use a lot, like what information has been presented to me, what has been modified by me, liked by me, shared with me.
Let me go to presented to me, because this is a really powerful experience. Again, Office Graph knows what meetings I’m in, who are in those meetings, what content was shared as part of that meeting. And here in a single view it renders that for me. I don’t have to go looking for it. This is content stored all across my company. It doesn’t matter. In a single click I get this view, so, so powerful. But I can also use “Oslo” to do natural language search, and of course search for people, too.
Well, Bill was the one asking about this video, so let me go search on Bill. When I bring up Bill, you see I have two views of him. First I have this side, right, which is pulling from my Active Directory, which is his hierarchy, who his manager is, his peers, and his directs. And that’s useful information and that’s good to get that. But now thanks to “Oslo,” I can actually see more relevance-based information, how Bill is spending his time, who he is working with, who he and I are both working with, so I can discover this information and it’s relevance-based information. It’s really powerful.
Now, as I go down, I can also see what content is trending around Bill. Now, I want to be really, really clear. I only see content because it’s also been shared with me. “Oslo” and the Office Graph absolutely respects the privacy and permissions and security around content. So I see what is trending around Bill that I also have permission for. And there, in fact, is that video that Bill was asking about. Again, I was able to simply find it by searching on Bill and it rendered to me. So I hope you get a sense of some of the fantastic new capabilities coming based on that personalized relevance-based experience.
Now let me switch over and talk about working and being productive on all devices, as well as being secure on all devices. I’m going to switch over here to my iPad. Some of you might have heard that we launched Office for iPad recently. It’s a great, great experience. Let me just give you a little sample of what it’s like. Let me open Word here, and everything by default, again, is stored in the cloud, so I have access to it across all my devices. So I can go here and open that Northwind proposal, and that document that I was just working on in my Office Online experience, and I want to work on it here on my iPad as well.
And as I open it, you can see, of course, it looks fantastic. My document looks exactly like it should. There’s my written table of contents as I go down. And here’s that table that I just added when I was in the browser experience over here. One source of the truth with OneDrive for Business and even SharePoint Server can be behind this as well.
Now you see the ribbon is just like you’d expect, all the commands are where you’d expect them with that great Office experience. And, again, this is a very, very familiar Office experience. It’s unmistakably Word, but it’s also really natural on an iPad with touch. And this is an important design paradigm. We balanced making sure that it’s a familiar Office experience, yet great and native on the iOS experience as well. That way our 1 billion Office users can drop right into these apps and be confident from day one.
What’s also really easy for me to interact with touch on these devices, so I can just select in here, and grab some text, and I can grab it there. And you’ll see by default I get kind of the most common things, cut, copy, paste, but even define. I can bring my dictionary in all with touch.
But I can do sophisticated things, too, as well. If I want to go and see themes, I can actually change the whole theme of my document from these apps. So they really are powerful apps. And if I go down and I say grab this chart down here, something I built in Excel and brought over into my Word document, you’ll see when I tap on that chart I get that context-specific ribbon command up here. I can go to my start and I can right here in Word I can change the style, I can change the themes, I can see different renderings of this graph, even though it is created in Excel, I can manage it within Word. Again, that great promise for rich productivity experience.
And the great thing about this is I’m making changes and working on my document on my iPad. I know that it looks fantastic. If I go and open it on my PC, my Mac, my phone, in the browser experience, or if I share it out to anyone else as well, I know it looks great to them because we also keep that file fidelity exactly right. You know your content is never lost, and your formatting looks awesome. And just like all of our Office apps, of course, we have co-editing right here in these apps as well. So there’s Garth and Robin editing this document now here when I’m working on my iPad. Again, all saved to the cloud, co-auth all works across the app.
All right, that’s what we have today on the iPad. There are other apps, too, I encourage you to download them and try them if you haven’t, but let me switch over to a different iPad, because I’m going to talk about what’s coming in the future in a partnership between Office 365 and Intune that enables mobile device management of these Office for iPad apps.
Essentially, this will enable the corporate data to remain within IT-managed environments while giving users that Office productivity experience that they love. Now on this iPad specifically IT has applied policies and controls on which apps I can use for business purposes and where the data can reside. So I’ll show you what that looks like.
I’m going to start in my OWA app for iPad here in my email experience of course. Now, Brad has shared this Excel file with me that I want to take a look at, so I want to go ahead and open that Excel file. And it opens it in the default viewer and it looks awful. But that’s okay, luckily I have my great Office app to open it in.
And you’ll see when I go to open it in a different app it’s only showing me apps that have been approved by IT to use for business purposes. I as a user am not shown other things. I can’t mistakenly open it in a different app. It guides me to just the right app, which is a great user experience, and all the IT controls I want.
Now there’s my Excel file looking as it should, giving a little glimpse of what the app store charts looked like when we launched our new app, and here is the latest download information about the app. It looks like we have about 27 million downloads of these apps. Not bad, just the top 10 countries. I want to share that great download information with some co-workers. So I’m going to go ahead and copy that. And now I’m going to try and share it. And I’m going to first try using my native e-mail app on the iPad, right, the app I use for my consumer purposes, and this has not been approved by IT to use, but I’m going to try to do it anyway. So I’m going to open a new e-mail, and I’m going to paste the content in, and when I select there, you see there’s no option to paste. That’s been turned off thanks to those Intune policies I am not allowed to do that. So I as a user am protected from putting business data in a nonmanaged app.
So instead let me go back to my OWA for iPad app that is approved for business use and send an e-mail here. Let me go select in there and you’ll see there I can paste, because this is an approved app. So my business content stays only in the managed app. So just to give you a sense of what’s coming to enable data protection and IT control, while still giving users that fantastic Office experience that they want.
So we’ve covered a lot of ground. So just to quickly recap, first we talked about IT-managed storage and sharing solutions with OneDrive for business. So now you can get all of your company-sensitive data out of all those boxes it’s sitting in and put it in one holistic and secure solution in Office 365. We also talked about how you can help the organizations work more like a network with Yammer and the new future Office 365 Groups. We showed you the new Oslo experience that’s based on personalized, relevance-based rendering, putting it at your fingertips. Also, the Office for iPad apps, that no-compromise productivity solution, and what’s coming in the future to be able to manage those apps with Intune.
With that, back to Brad. (Applause.)
It’s just awesome, right? Look at that experience that you can deliver to your users on all their mobile devices, the best experience for your users, centered on Office, the best experience for the IT professionals in ensuring that the data that is being accessed is secure. This will be your this literally will be your baseline and will be the bar that industry will be held to, in terms of enterprise mobility management.
Real quickly, let me tell you about three customers using this in innovative ways. Mitchells & Butlers, okay, a common restaurant chain in the U.K., they’re going paperless. They’re actually giving all the wait staff iPods. For the front of the house they’re using Android tablets. They’re managing all that through Intune, in fact, this organization through a combination of System Center and Intune is managing 20,000 PCs and mobile devices with two individuals, amazing.
Okay. British Airways, British Airways has this relentless focus on how they deliver the best absolute experience to their customers, to the people who are flying. They’ve actually embraced Office 365. Today they have 11,000 individuals who are on Yammer. The ground crew, the flight crew, the people throughout the terminals can, real time, be problem-solving to make sure that they are always delivering the absolute best experience.
Callaway Golf, leading provider of high-end golf products around the world, using Azure to deliver their services down to their customers and to their employees, also using Intune to manage the executive laptops and their sales force iPads around the world, amazing capabilities.
So as you think from Microsoft and you ask the question what is Microsoft enterprise mobility platform? Office 365, combined with the Enterprise Mobility Suite all built on top of Azure Active Directory. That will give you the ability to enable your users on all their devices and extend your identity out to all the applications across the cloud that they want to use. This is, bar none, the most comprehensive solution to enable your users on all their mobile devices and please take a look at it.
So what we talked about today is we truly are living in a world that is focused on mobility, that’s focused on cloud. You can see that we believe deeply in this. We believe deeply in mobile-first, cloud-first. You can see that our innovation agenda is completely wrapped into this. And we’ll focus on how we enable you to embrace this starting from where you’re at today.
Thank you for coming to TechEd. Thank you for enabling us to partner in your business. It means a lot to us. And you know what, together let’s go build the mobile-first, cloud-first enterprise. Thank you. (Applause.)