New in AI Archive

What’s in a face? AI deciphers emotions of Buddhist statues

Japan features a sizeable Buddhist population, many who have likely visited the Ashura Buddha at the Kofukuji Temple in Nara. The subtle facial expressions on the 1,200-year old object of faith has puzzled many devotees. This led Nara University researchers to unravel its mysteries… Read more »



AI in homes is now bringing about safety

Ken Yip’s grandmother fell in her Shanghai flat some years back, unable to get up or to get help. This unfortunate incident coerced Ken to start Perspicace and find ways for technology to help us live better. In AI-powered homes, Wi-Fi-based bio detectors can sense motion and tell the difference between… Read more »



Preventing suicide with AI

In the United States, suicide is the second leading cause of death among people aged 10 to 34 years old. Particularly, veteran suicide prevention and mental health support have become top public health priorities for many military support groups and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs… Read more »



Can AI help to fight the war against cancer?

Across the world, cancer causes about 1 in every 6 deaths. In 2018 alone, 17 million new cases of cancer were diagnosed. Cancer survivor Fabian Bolin turned to technology and built WarOnCancer, a social network for cancer patients and relatives to share their experiences… Read more »



AI makes healthcare personal, affordable and accessible

Global healthcare spend is expected to rise from US$7.724 trillion to US$10.059 trillion between 2017-2022, with the industry tapping on technology to improve access and affordability. With AI, the Walgreens Boots Alliance aims to allow people to access health care services, such as virtual care… Read more »



Healthcare bot will see you now

By 2030, global demand for health workers will rise to 80 million workers, while supply of these workers will reach just 65 million in the same period. With conversational AI and virtual health assistants that provide timely and personalized information to patients, medical professionals’… Read more »



Natural disasters and AI: A better chance to save lives

In March 2011, one of the most powerful earthquakes recorded in Japan triggered a tsunami that wiped out whole communities. As the death toll rose above 20,000, scientists and policymakers around the globe asked: How can society use technology to better respond to natural disasters… Read more »



Growing cucumbers with AI

According to the UN, over 800 million people struggle to get food each day. Meeting the world’s food demand is a challenge, especially with the limited resources available. Microsoft Research’s Team Sonoma attempted to deliver safer, faster food production with minimal use Read more »



AI transforms smallholder farming in Kenya

In Kenya, only 17% of the country’s farmland is suitable for rainfed agriculture. Limited electricity and expensive diesel also make it challenging for farmers to adequately irrigate their crops. With AI and IoT, SunCulture’s solar-powered RainMaker2 pump solution crunches data like soil moisture… Read more »



Can we solve world hunger by 2030 with AI?

Undernutrition is the cause of 3.1 million child deaths globally every year. In Madhya Pradesh, India, 42.8% of children under the age of five are underweight. However, it is difficult for field workers from aid organisations to accurately detect if a child is suffering from malnutrition… Read more »

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