Microsoft and the Adecco Group Switzerland launch digital learning platform

Skills for Switzerland

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«Skills for Switzerland» is Switzerland’s new learning platform – initiated by Microsoft, Adecco Group Switzerland and Campbell & Jones. The aim is to enable people from all kinds of specialist areas to take part in digital training. Digital skills are essential to increase job opportunities, particularly in view of rising unemployment, which is also due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Most of the training is free of charge.

Over 160,000 people were unemployed in December 2020, according to the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs – over 46,000 more than the previous year. In addition, 15% fewer jobs were published in Q4 2020 than in the same quarter last year, according to a recent study published by Adecco Group Switzerland in collaboration with the Job Market Monitor of the University of Zurich.

At the same time, the digitalization of work is also advancing. This accelerated digital transformation means that all jobs require more digital skills. «According to a survey we conducted in 2020, 59% of employees were able to improve their digital know-how during the first wave of Corona. The need for training in this area is great: 64% of employees are looking for more upskilling in digital after the pandemic,» says Monica Dell’Anna, CEO of Adecco Group Switzerland.

For this reason, Microsoft and Adecco Group Switzerland engage in the «Skills for Switzerland» learning platform to offer further training in various digital areas. In the process, the platform will be continuously developed. «As a company, Microsoft contributes to the inclusive recovery from the COVID-19 crisis and helps people to acquire new skills and to find jobs,» says Henriette Wendt, M&O Lead and member of the Executive Board of Microsoft Switzerland. Monica Dell’Anna emphasizes: «The skilling offer on the new platform is intended to counteract precisely this tendency and enable users to brush up on their own digital skills and thus be ideally equipped for their future dream job.»

Helping job seekers in the application process

In the first phase, the platform will offer a wide selection of courses, webinars and certifications provided by Microsoft Learn and LinkedIn Learning. «Digital skills and certifications are becoming increasingly important in today’s world for long-term success in the job application process. That’s why we want to support job seekers in this area,» says Nadine Nyffenegger, Head of Marketing Communications at Microsoft Switzerland. Microsoft certificates, for example, increase the chances of getting better job offers and higher salaries.

The courses are basically free of charge. The certifications cost CHF 130 for employed individuals and CHF 15 for people registered at a regional employment center. In addition, the integrated job portal for job seekers of the Adecco Group Switzerland shows the matching vacancies.

In a second step, online assessments will be available: After a short online check, the own knowledge gaps and the matching learning paths are shown. In addition, there is the option of booking coaching sessions through «Skills for Switzerland», contacting the nearest Adecco branch in person, or booking career counseling via other Microsoft partners.

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