Alpian, Switzerland’s First Digital Private Bank, Goes Live on Temenos Banking Cloud

Temenos today announced that Alpian SA, Switzerland’s first digital private bank, has gone live with core banking and payments services on Temenos Banking Cloud.

The pioneering bank is running on Temenos Banking Cloud hosted on Microsoft Azure to create an accessible offering that unifies everyday banking with personalized investment and private banking services in a state-of-the-art mobile app. The Alpian app is now available for customers to download and open an account.

Alpian combines machine and human intelligence to offer private banking services and investment expertise to the Swiss affluent. Its hybrid model offers a secure, ultramodern banking experience with the support and guidance of Alpian’s qualified wealth advisors, giving affluent clients access to a service normally reserved for those at a traditional private bank. The bank is targeting individuals with assets between CHF 100,000 to CHF 1,000,000.

To complement its private banking services, Alpian has seamlessly blended everyday banking features into its digital client experience. These include accounts in four currencies (CHF, EUR, GBP, USD) all connected under one IBAN using Temenos Multicurrency functionality. Also, a foreign exchange and bank transfer service, an exclusive metal debit card with in-app card controls, and a chat interface allowing clients to communicate with Alpian’s Swiss-based banking specialists in the four supported languages.

Temenos’ agile core banking and payments capability is combined with the security and efficiency of Microsoft Azure, while all data is stored in local Switzerland datacenters. With Temenos technology, Alpian can innovate faster and offer personalized, customer-relevant products at lower cost. Temenos Banking Cloud enables Alpian to easily compose banking capabilities and scale based on business demand, helping it to grow profitably while offering exceptional service to clients.

Incubated by REYL Intesa Sanpaolo, Alpian was granted a banking license from Switzerland’s Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) in March 2022.

Schuyler Weiss, CEO of Alpian, commented:

“The go-live on Temenos Banking Cloud is an important milestone in the launch of Alpian. We are committed to delivering a premium service and with support from Temenos and Microsoft we can focus on delivering an outstanding service and customer experience knowing our core banking technology is taken care of.”

Max Chuard, CEO, Temenos, said:

“Huge congratulations to the Alpian team on this go-live. Alpian is reinventing wealth for the mass affluent, and we are excited to see the bank launch in the Swiss market. Temenos is supporting wealth management and private banks old and new to meet the needs of a new generation of investors. Our open platform will help Alpian to operate more cost efficiently, with more agility, enabling them to drive innovation in the market and grow sustainably.”

Catrin Hinkel, CEO Microsoft Switzerland, added:

“We are delighted to support Alpian with the launch of this new digital private bank. With Microsoft Azure and our four local datacenters in Switzerland, financial organizations have the infrastructure and security to truly elevate customer experiences. Alpian has done just that, and we look forward to seeing it develop as it scales and expands its services in the market.”

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