I’ve had some pretty exciting times during my 12 years with Microsoft and this week rates as one of the best, with the announcement of our partnership with the University of Technology, Sydney’s (UTS) and its newly launched precinct, Intersection: Sydney’s Digital Creative Hub.
UTS has been one of the most active academic institutions in ‘joining-up’ the innovation ecosystem, with Sydney’s Digital Creative Hub set to bring together creative and digital start-ups, cultural, media, SMEs, commercial, government and educational organisations.
I’m excited to work for a company that is a partner in connecting our best minds and talent, so they can work together, spark ideas off each other, ask for help . . . do all thing things that help take the seed of an idea and make it into something special.
Our partnership is not just about today, it’s also about uncovering and nurturing tomorrow’s innovators – something that’s always been important to Microsoft. Bookending the precinct, ‘The Hatchery’ is a pre-incubator to educate and launch tomorrow’s entrepreneurs – something that’s essential if we are going to thrive as a nation.
There are a number of reasons why this will increasingly be the way of the future:
• It works – people working together are more creative and innovative
• Today’s technology enables connection and collaboration at a level unimaginable just a few short years ago
• By nurturing talent it helps ensure great ideas become reality
• Through the introduction of the concepts of entrepreneurialism into education we will inspire innovation
As part of our backing of the Digital Creative Hub we’re providing mentors and a full time employee to curate activity, as well as making available a 12 month Azure for BizSpark grant for qualifying start-ups. We will also be using the space – which is in the basement level of ‘U@622’ on Harris St, Ultimo – to hold events such as Hackathons.
With Intersection and The Hatchery – it’s a clear sign that change is coming, that disparate groups and individuals are recognising that the way ahead – the way to innovation – is by working together.
You might have read the story in the Sydney Morning Herald but the reason for my excitement is that it’s the next part of our commitment to Joined-Up Innovation, Microsoft’s vision to drive greater innovation outcomes for Australia.
Sarah Vaughn, Director of Developer Experience & Evangelism, Microsoft Australia