‘It’s a game-changer’ – Special controller changes lives of accessibility citizens in online gaming

 |   Microsoft NZ News Centre

Microsoft is driven by a philosophy of empowerment, it is woven into our mission statement, our DNA. And a core part of empowerment is accessibility, adapting our industry-leading technologies and resources in pursuit of inclusivity. We believe in the democratisation of technology and designing all our products so they are available to as many people as possible.

It’s a philosophy that’s birthed products like the Xbox Adaptive Controller, catering to those with limited mobility on Xbox One. An idea which was seeded during a Microsoft Hackathon, the Xbox Adaptive Controller was years in the making with engineers working together with non-profit organisations. Microsoft is now proud to announce that the Xbox Adaptive Controller is available for purchase in New Zealand.

To mark the local launch of the Xbox Adaptive Controller, Xbox NZ worked with Kiwi ‘motivational streamer’ Humphrey Hanley.

Humphrey has the rare skin-blistering condition epidermyolsis bullosa (EB), which means he has to spend four hours every morning bandaging his skin before he can start the day. Bullied at school, he found his fun in the PC gaming realm – he broadcasts to others online under the username ‘No Hands, No Excuses’.

Having never been able to hold traditional gaming controllers, the introduction of the Xbox Adaptive Controller has now given Humphrey his first ever Xbox experience. To see more about this story please click on the Seven Sharp link below and be inspired by Humphrey and his incredible story.

As previously published on One News Now
Online gamer with rare condition means he does not have hand but still uses Microsoft XBox games

Twitter: https://twitter.com/nohandsnoexcuse?lang=en

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