Acando utses till Microsoft Sveriges Country Partner of the Year 2017

Acando årets svenska Country Partner of the Year

Microsofts globala ledning har utsett vinnarna i den årliga utmärkelsen Partner of the Year 2017. Bland vinnarna finns den svenska Microsoftpartnern Acando, vinnare av Microsoft Sveriges Country Partner of the Year. Acando utsågs till vinnare på rekommendation av en jury från Microsoft Sverige. Priset delas ut under Microsofts internationella partnerkonferens Microsoft Inspire den 9-13 juli i Washington D.C.

Acando får utmärkelsen med följande motivering

”Acando is truly focused on Digital Transformation enabled by cloud technologies. Acando has adopted Microsoft’s cloud services like Azure and CRM OL and has shown very good growth during FY17. Acando has a strong focus on industry solutions. In manufacturing and utilities, there are customer wins based on IoT- and supply chain solutions. In retail there are wins based on integrated commerce. For healthcare, there are solutions based on analytics and machine learning. Acando has proven that it can successfully compete and win over other platforms like IBM Watson and Oracle. Acando is a great Microsoft partner, leveraging modern cloud technologies to transform our mutual customers.”

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