Cloud Services in the Swiss Public Sector

In a world that is becoming more and more digitized, storing data in the Cloud is not only the natural next step, but is also more agile, time efficient, secure, environmentally friendly and cost effective. 

However, change is not always easy. And discussions around the security of the data stored in the cloud or how would this affect our customers, have slowed down digitization in the public sector of Switzerland. Furthermore, different interpretations of the privacy laws, such as GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) have sparked debates around the topic. 

When faced with complexity, they (customers) want greater simplicity. It’s our mission to deliver that and help our customers adapt quickly to a changing world. 

We believe that anything less than comprehensive security is no security at all. 

Vasu Jakkal Corporate Vice President, Security, Compliance and Identity 

Public Sector in Switzerland 

There is a clear need for the public sector to digitize faster, including moving data to the cloud. However, it takes very good knowledge of local laws and requirements to be able to assure the usage of cloud for the public sector. 

With over 30 years of history in Switzerland, Microsoft has both respect and deep understanding of the laws and regulations and can meet the country’s demands. 

Regarding the use of cloud in the public sector, there are specific whitepapers that address common legal aspects in this context, give answers to frequent questions and even refer to the 26 cantonal legislation situations.

Furthermore, the migration to the cloud needs to be carefully considered and planned. As in every project, there are different risks that need to be identified and assessed. The decision of migrating to the cloud must be based on a deep-dive risk assessment. The respective document below is intended to support organizations in this process.

Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 Cloud Designs

Promising to manage data securely and create a safe environment for the digital transformation, Microsoft wants to facilitate the use of cloud services in the public sector through Azure and Microsoft 365 Cloud Design guidelines.

Designed to make it easier for the public sector to use Microsoft cloud services, Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 Cloud Designs include guidelines that simplify compliance with the Swiss local regulations and laws. Based on very high IT security standards, the package contains guidelines, templates, policies, and trainings that together clarify how cloud services could be used in accordance with regulations, requirements and laws that apply in the Swiss Public Sector.

Switzerland is a well-structured country with a strong safety net around digital security and protection of personal data and privacy. Through the Public Sector Cloud Designs, Microsoft continues to help the Swiss digitalization process, always having security and privacy as top priority.

Here you can find all the documents relating the Public Sector Microsoft Azure and Microsoft 365 Cloud Design:

Possible implementation partners (who have gone through the Microsoft training)

Alphabetical list of Microsoft partners including contact person and e-mail

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Bei technischen Fragen wenden Sie sich bitte an unseren Support0848 858 868 (DE, FR), 0848 801 255 (IT).


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Pour des questions techniques, veuillez contacter notre service d’assistance : 0848 858 868 (DE, FR), 0848 801 255 (IT).


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Microsoft Switzerland

Microsoft Switzerland

Was macht Microsoft in der Schweiz? Et quels sont les faits et chiffres relatifs à la filiale de Microsoft en Suisse? Find out more about Microsoft Switzerland here.


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Swiss Datacenter Stories

MSC17_dataCenter Microsoft Contact: Stephen Smith (stepsmit) Agency: Cinco Design Agency Contact: Kate Callahan ( Photographer: Amy Sacka ( Shoot month: March 2017 Location: Portland, OR Business: LinkedIn Datacenter

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