SAGE Automation Gets Connected with Dynamics CRM Online

Sydney, Australia – 22, August, 2013 – Today, Microsoft announced that SAGE Automation (SAGE), an independent industrial automation and control system integrator, deployed Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online to centralise its sales database and provide the company with greater agility while simplifying its IT infrastructure. The company wanted “one front door” to the organisation and clear visibility of its operations, with a “go or no go” process that would help it determine whether or not to approach new business, based on size, cost and potential risk.

SAGE Automation employ a team of nearly 300 employees working from across the country to help major organisations in defence, infrastructure, manufacturing, mining and utilities operate more safely, and efficiently through higher quality automated engineering. After evaluating the market, SAGE selected Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online as the best fit for its business due to the platforms familiarity to its workforce. In addition, Dynamics CRM Online allows the company to customise the platform and integrate it within its existing IT infrastructure.

Since deploying Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, the company has been able to improve its visibility and measuring capability for its sale pipeline allowing SAGE to take a broader view of its operations. This allows the company to plan its resources more accurately and better understand the capabilities they need to support future projects.

“Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online gives us the visibility, agility and stability we need to make better sales decisions,” said Jason Taylor, CIO, SAGE Automation. “We know the revenue we need to generate at any one time, so we can estimate our success of winning new business and the financial impact on our operations.”

Working with Microsoft partner OBS, the project was up and running in less than three months. The company deliberately opted for a cloud platform to eliminate the time spent on managing its own IT systems and ensuring its CRM platform is always up to date through automatic Microsoft technology service updates. Previously, these service updates were a task which required planning and testing, placing an additional time consuming task on SAGE’s small IT team.

Prior to deploying Dynamics CRM Online, the IT team was responsible for managing its own custom database and relatively simple jobs such as reporting could be both time consuming and complex. Since moving to Dynamics CRM Online, the team is able to configure security, web front end and reporting online far easier and quicker than before and with minimal training.

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