, Jan. 9, 1996 — Microsoft Corp. today demonstrated for the first time its Internet Assistant version 2.0 for Microsoft® Word for the Macintosh®
. The product, scheduled for release in the first quarter of 1996, is a no-charge add-on that will make it easy for Macintosh users to create and edit hypertext markup language (HTML) documents for Internet and Intranet sites from within Microsoft Word 6.0.1. Microsoft demonstrated the software for members of the press, analysts and attendees at MACWORLD in San Francisco.
The new version of Internet Assistant augments Microsoft Office – the world’s most popular business software suite – a complete cross-platform solution for open environments using both Windows®
operating system-based and Macintosh computers. It is also evidence of Microsoft’s continued commitment to the Macintosh platform.
“When users create documents for an Intranet or Internet site, they want to take advantage of the same tools they use every day,”
said Dave Meltzer, group product manager at Microsoft.
“Internet Assistant works within Microsoft Word for the Macintosh, so Macintosh users already know how to use it, and they can take advantage of powerful Microsoft Word features such as AutoFormat and AutoCorrect.”
It is important for Microsoft to extend its solutions into the Internet. This new version for the Mac
™of Internet Assistant for Microsoft Word is a key part of that solution because of Word’s dominant share of the Mac word processing market,”
said Pieter Hartsook, editor of The Hartsook Letter, a Macintosh market research service on the Internet at
“In making optimum use of its familiar Word application by automating the process of formatting documents for the World Wide Web, Microsoft is giving millions of Macintosh users tremendous power to become active Internet participants and creators.”
Internet Assistant is a full-featured Internet authoring tool that automatically converts Microsoft Word for Macintosh files to HTML format and provides users with an interface for inserting hyperlinks, images and forms into their documents. Users gain richly formatted Internet documents without having to understand the complexities of HTML, the standard authoring language for the Web.
Internet Assistant for Microsoft Word for the Macintosh provides the following:
Full support of HTML common today. Internet Assistant will support authoring of commonly used HTML extensions such as tables, font size, image height and width, centering, background picture and background color. Internet Assistant supports Microsoft Internet Explorer’s new HTML tags such as marquee text, watermarks,
in-line video, superscript and subscript, and background sounds. -
Easy-to-use hyperlink and forms interface. It’s easy to create hyperlinks and Internet forms with Internet Assistant’s interface. Users can create hyperlinks between HTML documents and other Microsoft Office documents on the Internet or an Intranet. Users can also insert hyperlinks in Word documents intended either for the corporate network or the Internet.
Easy viewing and editing of HTML source code. This feature allows for easy toggling between HTML source code and a WYSIWYG view of the document. Users can edit the source code directly, if they choose.
Ability to write and test hyperlinks from within a single interface. Users can test hyperlinks from within Internet Assistant or click on the toolbar to toggle to their Web browser for a WYSIWYG view of their work.
Computer users worldwide can obtain information on Microsoft products for the Macintosh at the Mac Office World Wide Web home page (
macoffice). Internet Assistant version 2.0 for Microsoft Word for the Macintosh is scheduled to be available for download from that site at no charge (other than the cost of connect time, where applicable) during the first quarter of 1996. Microsoft will also make Internet Assistant available on diskette at a nominal charge.
Founded in 1975, Microsoft (NASDAQ
) is the worldwide leader in software for personal computers. The company offers a wide range of products and services for business and personal use, each designed with the mission of making it easier and more enjoyable for people to take advantage of the full power of personal computing every day.
Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corp. in the United States and/or other countries.
Macintosh is a registered trademark and Mac is a trademark of Apple Computer Inc.
For Online Product Information:
Microsoft Office for Macintosh Web site: