Bill Gates, CEO and Chief Executive Officer of Microsoft, Visited Seoul Science High School and Talked with Its Students

, June 18, 1997 Seoul — Bill Gates, who is visiting Korea, today paid a visit to Seoul Science High School and talked with the students on an image of the future in accordance with computer development and the importance of the science education. In addition, through his visit, he donated $ 80,000 worth of 30 units of high-end PCs. Along with donation from Bill Gates, Microsoft Korea donated $70,000 worth of software for IT(Information Technology) education of the high school.

This is the fourth time for Bill Gates to visit Korea this time but this is the first time to meet officially with students. Especially, this visit is significant in that Bill Gates, who always has a great interest in science, met with science gifted students who will lead Korea in the 21 st century. During his meeting with 30 students or so, Bill Gates talked about the future of the information society, the importance of the science education and his own dreams and others in his high school days. They also had more than 30-minute-question-and-answer session.

The donation was made with the proceeds of the domestic royalties on ‘the Road Ahead’ written by Bill Gates and will enhance IT education environments of Seoul Science High School. (‘The Road Ahead’ has been a bestseller. The first edition was published in December 1995 in Korea.) The book describes information technology development, its social ripple effect and the changes of the human roles. It was translated into 19 different languages and has evoked a great worldwide response. Especially, well described is Bill Gates’ high interest in future-oriented education through computer use. In addition, its royalty revenues are donated to be used for IT education development in many countries such as the Europe, Latin America and Japan, etc.

Jaemin Kim, president of Microsoft Korea said,
“I hope that this donation contributes to galvanizing domestic computer education. Being informationized is the measure of the competitiveness of a nation and it shows an image of the future of a country. Especially, the youths’ PC use education is the most important investment in the future and it requires nationwide interest, I think,”
“Microsoft Korea plans to expand domestic IT education support for a start of its already-done-donation of software to 200 universities this year.”

Gil-jun Cho, principal of Seoul Science High School said,
“I am delighted that Chairman Bill Gates and Microsoft have been interested in our school and school IT education as well. The donation enables our students to make use of new computers and software, which will lead to much higher computer education. Moreover, the meeting with Chairman Bill Gates who has led the world computer industry will give a never-to-be-forgotten experience to the students who are cultivating dreams and visions as the science gifted.”

Seoul Science High School, established in 1989, aims at fostering caliber future scientists with creativity and honest personality to cope actively with high-tech era and globalization in the 21 st century. The school is acclaimed as the best high school in Korea because of study programs for developing student potentials, education of self-disciplined life attitude and especially high-tech study programs using information media. Currently 540 students in 18 classes are enrolled at the school.

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