Microsoft Underscores Commitment to Web Standards
REDMOND, Wash., Apr. 11, 2000 — Since its genesis, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer technology has been focused on providing customers with the best Internet browsing experience possible. Web standards are very important to our work in advancing these technologies and Microsoft will continue to work towards improving and expanding standards support within the Windows Internet technologies. Microsoft is proud that the Internet Explorer 5.0 technologies in Windows are the most standards-compliant browsing technology shipping today. This underscores the importance that standards have in the development of Internet browsing technologies.
Recently, Microsoft was criticized for the way the company supports various Web standards in Internet Explorer 5.5. The assertions put forward in these criticisms are not true. Microsoft develops all of its products — including the Internet Explorer 5.5 technologies — with all of its customers in mind: Web developers, corporate users, and end users. Standards compliance is one of many ways to add value to the Internet browsing technologies for our customers, and we will continue to expand and improve these efforts.
Microsoft will continue to develop and improve support for industry standards, as well as advance other exciting new Web technologies and continue to be an active and constructive player in the standards process. Enriching the overall Internet experience for all of our customers remains the primary focus of our efforts in developing best-of-breed Internet technologies.