REDMOND, Wash., Aug. 10, 2000 — Web White & Blue, a network of Web sites designed to highlight quality online political information and create opportunities for more citizens to participate in the electoral process, has been invited to conduct an online interview with President Clinton on Saturday, August 12.
Web White & Blue editor Peter Orvetti will conduct the interview, using questions submitted in advance by individuals on MSN and other Web White & Blue sites.
Although the interview will not be a live Webcast, streaming video will be available from the MSN Web site on Monday, August 14.
As part of the organization’s mission to provide balanced and non-partisan election coverage, Web White & Blue will invite the Republican National Committee to designate someone to participate in a similar interview next month. The organization will extend this invitation to any political party qualified on enough state ballots to have a mathematical possibility of winning a majority of votes in the electoral college.