MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. — May 4, 2010 — On Thursday, May 6, Microsoft Research will provide a glimpse inside its Silicon Valley research facility at its Mountain View campus to invited guests from government, academia and the technology industry. Rick Rashid, senior vice president of Microsoft Research, kicks off the event with a keynote speech highlighting ways in which Microsoft Research is pushing forward the state of the art in computer science. Event attendees then will have an opportunity to tour interactive demonstrations showcasing research in the areas of datacenter services for data-intensive computing, privacy, Web search, cloud services and natural user interfaces. More information about the event will be available at 1 p.m. PDT on May 6 at
The Silicon Valley TechFair begins with an opening keynote by Rick Rashid, senior vice president of Microsoft Research.
Following the keynote, Microsoft researchers will showcase their work and the complex problems they are working to solve with a focus on the following areas:
Datacenter services for data-intensive computing
Web search
Cloud services
Natural user interfaces
Academia, government and technology industry leaders by invitation
1–4:30 p.m. PDT on Thursday, May 6
Microsoft Silicon Valley
Building 1
1065 La Avenida
Mountain View, CA 94043
A website with additional material will go live at 1 p.m. PDT on May 6, 2010, at
Breaking News: News and information from TechFair can be found on Twitter at @MSFTResearch and on the Web at
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