August 27, 2014
How Microsoft uses enterprise risk visualization to manage global risk

In today’s society, we expect data to be “readily available and easily accessible on ubiquitous devices to fulfill our needs,” writes Brian Tuskan. When Microsoft Global Security created a future vision for three Global Security Operations Centers (GSOCs) in 2005, that need became “paramount,” and Global Security partnered with IDV Solutions and implemented its Visual Command Center product, which is built on Microsoft SharePoint.

August 27, 2014
When you’re in danger, the panic button bracelet can help

Microsoft engineers led by Thambu Zaemenock Kamalabai created SafeWear, a panic button bracelet for emergency situations when a phone isn’t available. Attached to a bracelet, the panic button will send a 30-second voice clip to a pre-identified emergency contact. A GPS system will keep track of the person wearing the device.

August 27, 2014
Back to school with 1:1 learning and Windows 8

In Leon County Schools in Tallahassee, Florida, the decision to use Windows 8 for their 1:1 program was based on ease of deployment, professional development programs and maximum flexibility in devices.