September 24, 2014
Microsoft bug bounty program launches with Office 365

Through the program, “We are able to reward and recognize security researchers by offering a bounty for qualifying security vulnerabilities they report to us,” writes Travis Rhodes, senior security lead for Office 365, in a blog post.

September 24, 2014
Microsoft joins initiative to increase diversity among computer science majors

At Wednesday’s Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting, Microsoft announced its support for a joint initiative called “Building Recruiting and Inclusion for Diversity,” (BRAID) which will work with college and university computer science departments to increase the percentage of undergraduate majors that are female and students of color.

September 24, 2014
Register your school now for the Global Enterprise Challenge

The Challenge begins in October and ends in February 2015. Students ages 10-11 are eligible and will receive all the information and tools they need to complete the challenge successfully. The student teams will develop, produce and market 10 products, and then pitch those products, competing with each other to become the most successful global company.