December 5, 2013
SharePoint Conference 2014 boasts top speakers, 200 sessions

Some of those sessions include: “Building mobile SharePoint solutions to address BYOD”; “Advanced development patterns for SharePoint apps”; “Anyone can build a SharePoint app with Microsoft Access”; and “Best practices: Search development in SharePoint 2013.” Check out the full course list on the official SharePoint Conference 2014 site.

December 5, 2013
Microsoft voices support for passage of the Innovation Act

Thursday’s overwhelming bipartisan House vote to pass the Innovation Act (H.R. 3309) marks a significant milestone toward enactment of common-sense reforms to curb abusive patent litigation. Abusive patent lawsuits create a heavy burden on the U.S. economy — slowing innovation, undermining competitiveness and stunting economic growth.

December 5, 2013
A day of action to demand ECPA reform

On Thursday, Microsoft joined a nationwide day of action to call for an update to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA). We are asking Congress to codify what courts and service providers across the U.S. are already doing: require all law enforcement to obtain a warrant before demanding access to the contents of customer communications or documents customers store in the cloud. Microsoft has long supported reform of ECPA, is an active member of the Digital Due Process Coalition, and has testified before Congress on the importance of striking a better balance between privacy and the needs of law enforcement.

December 5, 2013
Get ready for the ultimate modeling smackdown

Financial modeling, that is. Yep, this weekend in New York City, 16 Excel wizards will battle head to head (cell to cell?) in ModelOff 2013, the world championship of financial modeling. Challengers will do their best to dethrone current reigning champ Alex Gordon and take home the event’s $30,000 prize.

December 5, 2013
OneNote videos can inspire you to organize your work, plan events and take class notes

If you’re a fan of OneNote you’re probably pretty psyched about the recent significant update to the OneNote Windows Store app that improves how you capture, find and view your notes. Now a quartet of short videos can help you make the most out of new features that include Recent Notes and Page Previews – complete with text, images and ink for all of your notes.