November 18, 2013
Businesses go mobile with Microsoft at New York event

On Monday, Susan Hauser, corporate vice president of our Enterprise Partner Group, will kick off a media event at the W Union Square Hotel in New York. Hauser will talk about business mobility and how Microsoft’s view of mobile strategies for businesses differs from competitors Apple and Google.

November 18, 2013
Game titles, media achievements announced for Xbox One Machinima app

Exclusive videos for “Dead Rising 3,” “Battlefield 4,” “Ryse: Son of Rome” and “Call of Duty: Ghosts” are among the 30 custom Machinima Wingman videos that will be available with the Machinima app for Xbox One on Friday when the console launches.

November 18, 2013
Control your presentations through your Windows Phone device

If you’ve ever made a presentation using your laptop or tablet, you know that sometimes there are challenges, especially when you’ve got audience interaction and you need to pull up supporting documents quickly. As the Inside Microsoft Research blog reports, there’s a new app that can make it easier for you to control your presentation. With Office Remote, a collaboration between Microsoft Research and the Microsoft Office engineering team, it’s as easy as pressing a touchscreen.