Bug Bounty Switzerland launches first Swiss ethical hacking platform on Microsoft’s Cloud

Bug Bounty Switzerland is launching the first Swiss platform for ethical hacking. Microsoft provides the startup with the necessary infrastructure and expertise.

Microsoft is supporting Bug Bounty Switzerland in setting up the first Swiss bug bounty platform. As part of the Microsoft for Startups program, the Lucerne-based company gains access to the expertise of Microsoft specialists. Additionally, it can operate its platform using state-of-the-art technology in Microsoft’s Swiss data centers.

Bug bounty programs mediate between ethical hackers and organizations to uncover vulnerabilities in IT systems. «Unfortunately, this practice is still too rarely used in Switzerland,» says Florian Badertscher, CTO of Bug Bounty Switzerland. With the help of Microsoft, the startup is now building the Swiss hub for collaboration with ethical hackers. «Microsoft’s support brings us a decisive step closer to our goal of making bug bounty programs easily accessible to all Swiss organizations and companies,» emphasizes Sandro Nafzger, CEO of Bug Bounty Switzerland.

Strategic cooperation with the NCSC

Individual Swiss companies already relied on the use of ethical hackers to secure their systems. But the platforms used for this purpose still originate from abroad. However, especially in the public sector and in regulated industries, a data location in Switzerland is often a mandatory requirement.

For this reason, Bug Bounty Switzerland also recently entered a strategic collaboration with the National Cyber Security Center (NCSC). As a result, Florian Schütz supports the startup on the advisory board as the federal delegate for cybersecurity and head of the NCSC.

Cybersecurity – the central challenge of the digital age

Thomas Winter, Partner Lead and Member of the Executive Board of Microsoft Switzerland, is pleased about the cooperation: «Cybersecurity is the central challenge of the digital age. Without it, the most basic human rights like privacy cannot exist.» Therefore, part of Microsoft’s mission is to support companies like Bug Bounty Switzerland that empower others to be more secure. «Microsoft’s drive for security, transparency, privacy and trust aligns perfectly with our mission,» adds Florian Badertscher. «This is why we joined Microsoft for Startups.»

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