Microsoft for Startups AI Tech Accelerator

The use of artificial intelligence is revolutionizing the way people work around the world. This creates unique opportunities for startups to offer new solutions and embed AI capabilities in their software.

The Microsoft for Startups AI Tech Accelerator is a four-week program dedicated to Swiss startups offering innovations capable of supporting business transformations thanks to AI. We invite technical co-founders and technology leads to apply to join the pilot cohort starting on 12 February 2024. The program will combine the best of Microsoft’s technologies and Microsoft employees to enable startups to develop and deploy their technological AI potential. The goal is to accelerate the startups’ product development time.

Please submit your application here. The application deadline is 15 December 2023, 20:00 CET. 


Pre-requisites and Selection Criteria

  • Have a viable post-MVP solution with at least one customer reference
  • B2B SaaS OR highly scalable B2C software solution
  • Have identified your AI use case (building a solution with AI OR infusing your existing solution with AI)
  • Developing your solution on Microsoft Azure (either willing to migrate or already on Azure)
  • Have an active Azure subscription and access to Azure OpenAI by February 1
  • Willingness to sign NDA with Microsoft (to ensure protection of startups› IP and necessary to receive non-public product information)
  • Availability to be at the Microsoft Zurich, Geneva or Bern office in person for 2 days a week (Monday and Tuesday) during the span of the program (12 February – 5 March 2024) and the demo day on 14 March. The location of the program will be announced on Dec 22 and is dependent on the majority of the selected startups› location.


  • Participation in the AI Tech Accelerator is free of charge
  • Technical and business support from Microsoft to build an offer using the capabilities of Azure OpenAI or other Microsoft AI technology bricks
  • Free Azure cloud credits to develop your solution*
  • Access to OpenAI models (GPT 3.5, GPT 4)
  • Access to mentors and topic expert in the field of AI
  • Possibility to take a Microsoft Advanced AI Certification at 50% discount**

 *  subject to the eligibility criteria of the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub program
** subject to availability

Program Details

  • A limited number of startups selected – ensuring a great fit amongst cohort to enable valuable peer-to-peer network exchange and technological advancement
  • One or two (to be defined) person(s) in-person representation per startup only
  • 4 weeks of hands-on support to build your solution on Azure OpenAI or other Microsoft AI bricks in a Microsoft office location in Switzerland
  • Use case definition before the start of the Accelerator and a Demo Day afterwards (see below curriculum for more details)

Curriculum (subject to change)

Please submit your application here. The application deadline is 15 December 2023, 20:00 CET. 

Do you have more questions about the Microsoft for Startups AI Tech Accelerator? Contact [email protected]

Do you want to learn more about the Microsoft for Startups Founders Hub program? Visit the Microsoft for Startups Switzerland page.

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