EFY Times: Microsoft-IBM Ink Cloud Partnership Deal

Microsoft and IBM are forging a cloud compatibility partnership. they are collaborating with each other so that their database runs on both the IBM Cloud and Microsoft Azure. Microsoft Azure supports IBM’s WebSphere Liberty application server platform, MQ middleware, IBM’s Pure Application Service and DB2 database, while IBM Cloud will support Windows Server and SQL Server. Furthermore, the companies are also collaborating to offer Microsoft’s .NET runtime for IBM Cloud, which is the new cloud development platform.

The Economic Times: Global Indian of the Year – Satya Nadella

Microsoft’s new CEO Satya Nadella has his work cut out—to ensure that the future of the company would be as secure as its past. Since he took over in February, the company’s stock has jumped 25.6% while Nasdaq has gained 12.1%. Only the third CEO of Microsoft after co-founder Bill Gates and Steve Ballmer, since his anointment, Nadella has taken several decisions that count as firsts for the company. Nadella has a tough task ahead, the road is not easy and definitely not the same as 1975, but he has made a solid start and has given Microsoft’s investors every reason to stick back and watch.

Outlook Business: Leaning in, with a helping hand

Rohit Thakur, Head, HR, Microsoft India talks about how the company is helping female employees push the limits of the glass ceiling. He said, “We have launched a collaborative program called Reach Out with five of India’s leading companies, under which six to seven senior women leaders identified by the participating organizations would form a group of 31 women to be groomed for leadership roles. The eight-month long structured learning program will include group workshops, peer learning circles, leadership dialogues with senior leaders from other participating organizations, a moderated online community to ensure continued dialogue and would conclude with a learning summit, where participants will share their collective experiences.”

ETCIO.com: What do Indian CIOs think of Microsoft’s shift to user-based licensing?

The CIO community in Indian is bullish about Microsoft’s shift to user-based licensing model. Microsoft recently announced that it will switch from device-based licensing to user-based licensing for Windows and Office software. In an era of mobility and cloud computing, the usage of multiple devices is becoming commonplace. And with this change in licensing model, Microsoft has answered the long-cherished wish of its enterprise customers. Vishal Tripathi, Principal Research Analyst, Gartner, said, “It will bring more flexibility for the enterprises and rein in their management cost. Microsoft will also witness a higher adoption and it will be able to reduce the compliance issues.”

EFY Times: Microsoft releases VM security tool For Azure

Virtual Machines are transient in nature, which makes their security a little difficult as compared to typical servers. During Microsoft’s TechEd Europe event, the company has recently released a new anti-malware solution tool to secure Virtual Machine services offered by Azure. This tool is based on Microsoft Security Essentials, System Center Endpoint Protection and Forefront Endpoint Protection. The new tool is called as Microsoft Anti-malware for Azure Cloud Services and Virtual Machines.

The Indian Express: Microsoft changes tack, to make Office features free on mobile

Few golden geese in technol¬ogy have survived as long as Office has for Microsoft. The suite of applications that includes Word, Excel and PowerPoint, first released in 1990, generated nearly a third of Microsoft’s revenue during its last fiscal year—about $26 billion of $87 billion in total. But in a sign of the seismic changes underway in the tech industry, Microsoft, the world’s largest software company, said that it would give away a comprehensive mobile edition of Office. The free software for iPads, iPhones and Android tablets will do most of the essential things people normally do with the computer versions of the product.

The Economic Times: Microsoft plans to focus on ‘higher value’ cloud offerings

With control for the cloud market is heating up India, Microsoft, which offers public cloud services under the Azure brand, says competing on price can no more be the strategy for cloud. Jason Zander, Corporate VP, Microsoft Azure said, “We don’t want to compete just on price. We are therefore building a suite of higher-value data services on top of Azure.” The higher value services being offered by Microsoft are mostly focused around managing Big Data and making sense of it through analytics.

SiliconIndia: Microsoft TechEd conference kicks off in Bangalore

Microsoft is hosting TechEd, its largest annual technology conference on November 5-6 at The Lalit Ashok, Bangalore. TechEd is Microsoft’s premier technology conference and is expected to bring together over 2000 developers, technology enthusiasts and IT professionals, providing them with opportunities to learn about and explore productivity and endless possibilities in the cloud. TechEd will be addressed by speakers and experts from Microsoft, its partners and leading research, consulting and academic institutions.

The Economic Times: Ezetap says its credit card reader devices to be compatible with Windows platform

To leverage the pervasive presence of Microsoft-powered terminals across small enterprises, payments solution provider Ezetap said its credit card reader devices will now be compatible with Windows platform. This move will allow Ezetap, which was until now focused largely on retail, to tap into the enterprise sector as well. Vineet Durani, Director of the Windows Phone business group at Microsoft said, “Payments will open up new segments that we haven’t thought of before.”

Techtree.com: Microsoft puts out the Skype Translator preview For Windows 8.1

Microsoft announced the real-time speech translator feature for Skype back in May, and said the new feature should arrive on its IM service before the end of the 2014. In keeping with that timeline, the company recently released a preview version of Skype translator for Windows 8.1 devices. If you happen to own a Windows 8.1 powered PC or tablet, Skype Translator Preview is clearly something you should be interested in checking out.