Indian mid-market SaaS companies offer disruptive advantages to customers

Microsoft Ventures and iSPIRT Foundation launched a report titled ‘Indian Mid-market SaaS companies: Forging a new path to disruption’, which takes a close look at software companies targeting the mid-sized enterprise market and the competitive advantages that set them above their Western counterparts. Ravi Narayan, Director, Microsoft Ventures in India, said, “This report is a refreshing perspective on the startup ecosystem, and showcases how Indian software developers are adapting to the unique requirements of the local market to deliver value to their customers.” Windows Phone, iOS and Android get new instant video messaging app—Microsoft’s Skype Qik

Microsoft has launched a new instant video messaging app called Skype Qik, available for iOS, Android and Windows Phone. An extension of Skype, the app lets users send small video messages to their friends. Dan Chastney, Principal Program Manager Lead said the team that built Skype Qik “knew they had to create something mobile and lightweight, as spontaneous as messaging but as intimate as calling. And it had to be fun and easy to use.”

NDTV: Microsoft Cortana gets full song lyrics, eating place suggestions expand

Microsoft has updated the skill set of its voice-based virtual assistant, Cortana, giving it the ability to look up full song lyrics, as opposed to only a few lines in its current version. It can also make restaurant suggestions—previously available only in the US, but now in the UK and other regions—with cuisine options, and allows users to set price range and travel distance.

Times of India: India-Pakistan diplomacy: Border barriers broken on Skype

It’s India-Pakistan diplomacy with a difference: two groups of students—one in Bangalore and one in Islamabad—talking fashion, film and politics over homemade curry and steaks. Dining together over Skype calls, these students may knock down the cultural and political barriers that divide their nations. “It is harder to ignore, vilify or harm those with whom we have broken bread,” said Eric Maddox, founder of the Virtual Dinner Guest Initiative, which hopes to foster cross-border friendship one meal at a time.

Economic Times: Microsoft invites applications for sixth Accelerator batch in India

Between October 10 and November 30, Microsoft Ventures will receive applications for the sixth batch of its Accelerator program for technology startups in India. “Our Accelerator program reiterates India’s strength as a potential hub for startups and as an ecosystem of global importance. Along with access to Microsoft technology, mentors and investors, we also provide opportunities to connect with customers, partners and world class entrepreneurs,” said Microsoft Ventures Director, Ravi Narayan. Microsoft and Twitter ink deal, tweets to appear on MSN homepage

After recently revamping the MSN portal, rebranding its Bing apps and refining its content offering to users, Microsoft has now signed an agreement with micro-blogging site Twitter to display tweets from major news publications on its home page. Announcing the tie-up on its blog, Twitter said visitors to MSN will now see tweets from big news organizations such as New York Times, The Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, CNN and many more, on the home page.

Hindustan Times: Microsoft debuts new app for sharing photos across ecosystems

A new app, created by Microsoft, allows anyone to share photos with their friends, whether they own iPhones, Windows Phones or prefer Android. The app in question is called Xim and is the latest idea to come from Microsoft Research’s Fuse Labs. What makes it so newsworthy is that it’s a tiny attempt to break down the walled gardens that are different handsets, different apps and different ecosystems for the sake of greater social interaction.