15.10.2014 | Kodu Kup Europe


Kodu Kup Europe – developing one new European language. In alignment with the eSkills for Jobs Campaign and Europe Code Week, this 6 month European coding competition will bring together 8 winning national teams from Portugal, Finland, Norway, UK, Belgium, Greece, Estonia and Lithuania. 6-16 year olds will battle it out in a dragons den style pitch to a jury of MEPs, education and gaming experts and digital entrepreneurs. Faced also with a public vote from the audience of European educators, the European Commission, coding clubs, youth ambassadors, and gaming experts, each national team will pitch their winning game that they have designed in class and demonstrate the coding and digital skills they have developed through Microsoft Kodu Game Lab.

The finalists had the wonderful opportunity to attend the Kodu Kup Coding Camp in Brussels for two days preceding the Kodu Kup Europe finals.

And the Kodu Kup Europe 2014 Winners are…

  • Kodu Kup Champions: Team Greece!
  • Kodu Kup Masters: Team UK
  • Kodu Kup Conquerors: Team Portugal

The competition is a joint initiative with European Schoolnet that draws on teamwork, computational thinking, design, eSkills and the new literacy in Europe: coding. If you are interested in attending, please register for the event here, as well as visit the official page of the competition.

Download the agenda of the event here.

Join the “Coding and Education Twitter Chat”:

Why should young people learn how to code? Are schools equipped to start early and prepare youth for digital jobs? Should industry play a role in designing educational curricula? Hear what the Twitter participants have to say! Ask your questions or follow the conversations via #KoduKup_EU

Interested in learning how to code? Make sure you browse through the new Microsoft Coding Resources page!


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