October 17, 2013
Get Windows 8.1 now!

Global availability of Windows 8.1 is now here, bringing a variety of new features and improvements to Windows 8 that we think people will really enjoy. We listened to customer feedback and are delivering many of the improvements we’ve been asked for.

October 17, 2013
Windows 8.1 delivers one cohesive experience for everything in your life

“From SkyDrive to Bing to Internet Explorer to Skype and more, devices running Windows and Windows Phone make it easy to arrange it all around you – be all work, all play, or both at the same time,” writes Terry Myerson, Microsoft executive vice president, Operating Systems, over on a Blogging Windows guest post.

October 16, 2013
Get a glimpse of what’s possible with Windows 8.1 3D printing

With this week’s launch of Windows 8.1 and its built-in 3D printing feature, it’s going to be easier than ever to turn an idea into a physical object. Realizing that lots of folks are chomping at the bit to get started with the new capability, Gavin Gear on the Extreme Windows Blog published a post on Wednesday about how he used SolidWorks 2014 CAD software to design a part for 3D printing on a project he just completed.