June 12, 2014
In ‘Battlefield Hardline,’ you’ll want to play nicely with others

At E3 2014, the demo for “Battlefield Hardline” showed that the cops-and-robbers dynamic of the game “changes the flavor of it all,” writes Xbox Wire. “There’s something different about a war scenario versus a heist, even if ultimately your goals (shoot everyone, deliver package) are the same.”

June 12, 2014
‘Far Cry 4’: Not your brother’s peaceful trip to the Himalayas

“Far Cry 4,” set in the fictional Himalayan country of Kyrat, ruled by a despot who’s a psychopath, gives players the same open-world, first-person shooter experience as previous entries in the series. But this time, the power of Xbox One allows for more stunning graphics, and a bigger, more vibrant world than ever before.