REDMOND, Wash. — Jan. 8, 2007 — Microsoft Corp. Chairman Bill Gates posted an open message today at inviting people from around the world to join him in a celebration of digital self-expression. The letter encourages all computer users to share a personal, life-transforming moment on a special Web site,, dedicated to showcasing thousands of community-generated postings. These postings will take place throughout January leading up to the consumer availability of the Windows Vista™ operating system on Jan. 30. encourages everyone to share a rich mosaic of the art, photos and videos they have created using their PCs. Showcasing the look, feel and ease of use of the highly anticipated Windows Vista operating system, invites people around the globe to explore the intersection of imagination and technology. The site, which serves as a user-generated showcase and Web-driven competition, debuts with submissions by Joy Behar of “The View,” Genevieve Gorder of “Trading Spaces,” Clinton Kelly from “What Not to Wear” and Bill Gates — and more celebrity appearances from notables such as comedian Sandra Bernhard are expected over the coming weeks. will launch in 21 countries worldwide.
Each computer user who participates in will automatically be entered to win one of a number of exciting prizes. Participants can easily upload their content to by following the step-by-step instructions on the site’s home page.
In the message, Gates said, “As we prepare to launch Windows Vista on Jan. 30, I’d like to invite you to share your wow moments with us. While you explore this Web site to learn more about Windows Vista, please help us celebrate the dawn of a new era by taking a few moments to share some of the wow moments you’ve already experienced.”
“Today, people are using computers to be creators as well as consumers, and to shape the trends and events that are important in their lives,” said Mike Sievert, corporate vice president of Windows at Microsoft. “ is a combination of a digital art museum and online meeting space where people can share the things that inspire them and also get a glimpse of how Windows Vista will enhance the personal computing experience.”
Founded in 1975, Microsoft (Nasdaq “MSFT”) is the worldwide leader in software, services and solutions that help people and businesses realize their full potential.
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