Providing further transparency on our responsible AI efforts

We believe we have an obligation to share our responsible AI practices with the public, and this report enables us to record and share our maturing practices, reflect on what we have learned, chart our goals, hold ourselves accountable, and earn the public’s trust.  

Lucerne Cantonal Hospital (LUKS) Revolutionizes Staff Scheduling with AI 

Lucerne Cantonal Hospital (LUKS), a leader in Swiss healthcare, sets a new standard in healthcare operations by pioneering an innovative AI-driven scheduling system developed in partnership with Microsoft Switzerland and Polypoint. This positions LUKS as one of the first hospitals in Switzerland to leverage AI for optimized scheduling. 

L’hôpital cantonal de Lucerne (LUKS) révolutionne la planification des services basée sur l’IA

L’hôpital cantonal de Lucerne (LUKS), un leader dans le domaine des soins de santé en Suisse, établit de nouveaux standards dans le secteur de la santé. À cette fin, le LUKS lance un système de planification des services innovant basé sur l’IA, développé en collaboration avec Microsoft Switzerland et Polypoint. Ainsi, le LUKS est l’un des premiers hôpitaux de Suisse à bénéficier de l’IA pour optimiser la planification.

Sieben Wege, wie KI unser Leben einfacher macht

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ist mehr als ein Werkzeug für Büroarbeiter*innen oder eine Produktivitätssoftware für Unternehmen. KI kann jederzeit und überall schnelle Antworten geben und dabei helfen, Ideen, Informationen und Inspiration für fast alle Situationen in Beruf und Freizeit zu entwickeln. Eine einfache Möglichkeit, KI zu nutzen, ist Microsoft Copilot auf dem iOS- oder Android-Smartphone zu installieren. Die kostenlose KI-Anwendung fasst Informationen aus dem Internet zusammen, hilft beim Recherchieren, Planen oder Erstellen von Texten oder Bildern auf Grundlage von Anfragen oder sogenannten “Prompts”. Hier sind sieben Tipps, um mit KI mehr aus dem Tag zu machen:  

Announcing new tools in Azure AI to help you build more secure and trustworthy generative AI applications

In the rapidly evolving landscape of generative AI, business leaders are trying to strike the right balance between innovation and risk management. Prompt injection attacks have emerged as a significant challenge, where malicious actors try to manipulate an AI system into doing something outside its intended purpose, such as producing harmful content or exfiltrating confidential data. In addition to mitigating these security risks, organizations are also concerned about quality and reliability. They want to ensure that their AI systems are not generating errors or adding information that isn’t substantiated in the application’s data sources, which can erode user trust.

Sulzer Schmid’s Blade Anomaly Detection AI with Microsoft Azure

Sulzer Schmid stands at the forefront of innovation in the energy service sector. Leveraging cutting-edge technology, the company’s rotor blade inspection process employs autonomous drones to capture repeatable and consistently high-quality images. The cloud-based 3DX™ Blade Platform offers a data driven approach, incorporating AI-enhanced analytics, providing customers with actionable insights to optimize performance of renewable energy assets.