Microsoft has identified seven success factors for the digital transformation and is presenting best cases for shaping the digital present and future together with “economic miracle makers”

Hanover/Unterschleißheim, January 20, 2016 – Microsoft is presenting seven factors of change at CeBIT 2016 that will pave the way to the digital Wirtschaftswunder (economic miracle). In collaboration with “economic miracle makers” from the industry, education, government as well as NGOs, Microsoft will be demonstrating how infrastructure, organization, team, employee, knowledge, manufacturing and state are optimally aligned for mastering digital transformation. Secure cloud productivity solutions and smart devices further help reinforce Germany’s efficiency and innovative capacity as a business location.

CeBIT2016 Motto

“Throughout 2015, Microsoft has thoroughly examined the framework for the #DigitalesWirtschaftswunder“, says Sabine Bendiek, Chairwoman of the Management Board of Microsoft Germany. “At CeBIT 2016, we will be looking at how the digital Wirtschaftswunder is already happening in Germany.” Microsoft has defined seven factors that get you ready for the digital change. First, flexible infrastructures and vibrant organizations need to be created; teams will have to develop the ability of working autonomously and self-organized; staff members will have to become more mobile and knowledge more transparent. As manufacturing processes are integrated intelligently and governments become more agile, the way has been paved for the digital Wirtschaftswunder.

Cloud technologies create uncharted opportunities: based on the two-speed IT concept, necessary infrastructures provide more speed. Fast mobile solutions accelerate business processes. Collaboration tools and social networks mobilize staff members, teams, and insights – irrespective of the end device and across functions. Industry 4.0 manufacturing processes and the digital refinement of products and services enable highly flexible value-added workflows. Secure German cloud solutions ensure that the public sector does not need to give up its sovereignty in order to become more connected and agile.

Microsoft has invited so-called “economic miracle makers” from the industry, education, government as well as NGOs which have already embarked on the road to the digital Wirtschaftswunder to CeBIT 2016. “Their transformation projects are substantially enhancing the innovative capacity of their organizations. At the same time, these projects have enabled the necessary cultural change. The economic miracle makers represent the spirit of optimism which we urgently need in Germany”, says Bendiek.

Only last October, a survey conducted by the consulting firm PAC among 400 German executives has shown that, although there is awareness for the need for digitalization, many decision-makers attach little strategic significance to the power of digital transformation: the survey warns that the increase in agility and innovation is still not given top priority in Germany.

Microsoft’s booth at CeBIT 2016: communication space for the digital Wirtschaftswunder

This year’s Microsoft booth in hall 4 is a 2000 square meter marketplace for customers and partners to demonstrate in various scenarios how they shape their individual way of the digital Wirtschaftswunder.

One of them, ABB Group headquartered in Switzerland, will be showcasing their electric vehicle fast-charging services platform developed in collaboration with Microsoft at CeBIT. ABB’s electric vehicle fast-charging stations are connected via Microsoft Azure. ABB customers benefit from stability, global scalability and advanced management features. The platform also unlocks the power of machine learning and predictive analytics capabilities to drive future innovation. (For details about the collaboration please read this Microsoft press release.)

At CeBIT 2016, Microsoft’s partner booths will also be located in other areas. The shared booth of VOI in hall 3 is focused on Microsoft SharePoint. Partners at the shared booth in hall 13 offer a mix of the Internet of Things, Unified Communication & Collaboration (UCC), and Skype for Business. Marketing and sales partners are available next to Microsoft’s booth in hall 4.

Microsoft Deutschland GmbH

Microsoft Deutschland GmbH, founded in 1983, is a subsidiary of Microsoft Corporation/Redmond, U.S.A., the world’s leading manufacturer of standard software, services and solutions, generating $93.58 billion in revenue and $18.16 billion in operating income (in fiscal year 2015; as of June 30, 2015). Alongside its headquarters in Unterschleißheim near Munich, Microsoft Deutschland GmbH operates six regional offices in Germany and employs more than 2,700 members of staff. In association with around 31,500 partners, Microsoft Deutschland GmbH serves companies of all sizes across all industries. The Advanced Technology Labs Europe (ATLE) in Munich is focused on research in IT security, privacy, mobility, mobile applications, and web services.

Microsoft contact

Anna-Lena Müller
Communications Manager Digital Transformation and Cloud

Contact PR agency FAKTOR 3 AG

Jens Schleife

Kattunbleiche 35
D-22041 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 (0)40 – 67 94 46-6127
Fax: +49 (0)40 – 67 94 46-11

E-Mail: j.schleife[at]


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