Security Blogs and Twitter

Security, Privacy and Safety Blogs

Ecosystem Strategy
A broader look at Microsoft’s Trustworthy Computing and work with industry experts

Microsoft BlueHat
Information about technical security issues, innovative techniques and best practices from Microsoft’s BlueHat security conference.

Microsoft Malware Protection Center
Threat research & response

Microsoft Privacy & Safety
Privacy and safety policy initiatives, product news, and perspectives from across Microsoft

Microsoft Security Blog
Discussions on security, cybersecurity and technology trends

Microsoft Security Response Center
Official corporate security response

Security Development Lifecycle
Tools, guidance and information for developing more secure software

Security Research & Defense
Information from Microsoft about vulnerabilities, mitigations and workarounds, active attacks, security research, tools and guidance

Security Tips and Talk
Tips about computer security, online safety, and privacy

Trustworthy Computing
Perspectives on security, privacy, online safety and reliability topics

Microsoft Blogs

Microsoft On The Issues Blog
News and perspectives on legal, public policy and citizenship topics

The Official Microsoft Blog
News and perspectives from Microsoft

Follow Us on Twitter

Security and privacy efforts for Microsoft – from the inside

Privacy and online safety guidance and information

Microsoft’s official security response team

Microsoft Malware Protection Center team

Microsoft’s Security Development Lifecycle team

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Digital Transformation