April 16, 2014
How to make ‘intelligent’ cities more sustainable ecosystems

Cities may be getting good at collecting data ― they can monitor traffic, for example, and deploy services accordingly. But in order for them to truly be “intelligent”, these cities must also become more sustainable, writes Gary Wachowicz, industry managing director of Microsoft’s Worldwide Public Sector.

March 24, 2014
What city leaders need to know about open data standards

Open data has the power to help cities achieve their goals. How? By making public information resources accessible to everyone no matter what device they use, open data helps cities empower residents to make better decisions about safety, education and productivity.

February 10, 2014
3 mobile apps that can help government workers do their jobs even better

City leaders everywhere are hearing from employees that they want mobile apps and devices that let them do work on the go, writes Gary Wachowicz, industry managing director, Worldwide Public Sector. There are three apps he recommends every city consider to help improve both government work and services for citizens: Spotfire Metrics, eBriefing and Casenot.es.

January 29, 2014
Creating the next digital utopia with the help of Microsoft CityNext

Imagine a place where obtaining government services didn’t require citizens to search and sign up, but rather moved the data to them. Or, a city where the cost of public administration was dramatically reduced by simply digitizing essential government functions. Meet Hamburg, Germany’s Chief Information Officer and learn how this participant in Microsoft’s CityNext program is transforming its citizens’ electronic lifestyle — and the way its government leverages IT projects.