Apiax releases AI Policy Assistant based on Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service that provides accurate and verified answers to internal compliance policies

Apiax has launched a new compliance solution today, aiming to enhance operational efficiency and the accuracy of policy searches. The platform is a synthesis of Apiax’s compliance expertise, rule-based technology, and Generative AI, creating a new standard for financial institutions in accessing and verifying company policy details with ease.

When the machines speak our language – B&R and Microsoft bring generative AI to automation engineering

B&R is collaborating with Microsoft to bring artificial intelligence to its industrial automation software. With integration of Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI service into B&R’s Automation Studio engineering workflows, developers of machine applications will be able to generate, optimize and annotate code using intuitive natural-language prompts. As a concept study in AI-enhanced innovation, the new Automation Studio Copilot aims to help machine builders get to market faster with solutions that are more innovative and more reliable.

Microsoft Switzerland joins Pilot Gen AI Redteaming Network by ETH and EDA

The Swiss Call for Trust & Transparency has today launched a Pilot Gen AI Redteaming Network. The network unites all stakeholders – tech companies and public research institutions alike – to work collectively on disclosing, replicating, and mitigating the most urgent safety issues of generative AI systems. As of mid January 2024, 12 major tech companies have committed to joining forces with the network, thereby significantly advancing AI safety.

Die volle Kraft von Copilot für Einzelpersonen und Unternehmen

Im Zeitalter der beschleunigten technologischen Innovationen setzt Microsoft kontinuierlich neue Massstäbe für die Interaktion zwischen Mensch und Technologie. Heute markiert das Unternehmen einen wichtigen Schritt in dieser Entwicklung mit der Vorstellung von Copilot Pro, einem neuen Premium-Abonnement für Einzelpersonen, und der Erweiterung von Microsoft Copilot für Microsoft 365 auf Unternehmen aller Grössen – zwei bedeutende Erweiterungen in Microsofts KI-Portfolio.

La pleine puissance de Copilot pour les particuliers et les entreprises

À l’ère de l’innovation technologique accélérée, Microsoft continue de repousser les limites de l’interaction entre l’homme et la technologie. Aujourd’hui, l’entreprise marque une étape importante dans cette évolution avec le lancement de Copilot Pro, un nouvel abonnement premium pour les particuliers, et l’extension de Microsoft Copilot pour Microsoft 365 aux entreprises de toutes tailles – deux extensions significatives dans le portefeuille IA de Microsoft.

Microsoft Cloud enables customers to keep all personal data within European Data Boundary

Microsoft is empowering customers by bringing significant enhancements and new features to the EU Data Boundary for the Microsoft Cloud. With today’s update, Microsoft takes another decisive step in expanding its suite of trusted cloud services that respect European values and meet the specific requirements of our commercial and public sector customers in Europe. 

Top Swiss Banks Embrace GenAI Transformation with Unique FinanceGPT

Swiss-based AI-driven FinanceGPT company, Unique AG, announced an official go-live with their client Pictet Group. This rollout enables over 5,000 employees to experience the power of One.Chat, a platform co-developed by Unique and Pictet and based on Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service, that allows easy access to all internal information.

Revolutionize Your Business: Microsoft and KPMG Join Forces for an AI Masterclass

In response to the rapidly evolving business landscape and the growing need for innovative solutions, Microsoft and KPMG are pleased to announce a collaborative effort to present the Microsoft AI Masterclass. This comprehensive masterclass aims to empower organizations with the knowledge and tools to harness the full potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

EZRA Unveils AI-Powered Development Assistant, Cai, Built on Microsoft Azure

EZRA, the digital coaching arm of LHH, has unveiled Cai, an AI-powered development assistant built on the Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform. Cai represents a breakthrough in learner engagement for EZRA by leveraging the power of generative AI through Microsoft Azure OpenAI Service to enable a more interactive and productive user experience.

Microsoft Ignite 2023: Neue Technologie für die KI-Transformation

Das Beste entdecken, was künstliche Intelligenz (KI) bietet, Lösungen finden und Expert*innen treffen: Darum geht es bei der Microsoft Ignite, die heute live in Seattle startet und auch online stattfindet. Auf seiner größten Tech-Konferenz des Jahres stellt Microsoft rund 100 Neuheiten vor, darunter Erweiterungen seiner Cloud-Infrastruktur für leistungsfähigere KI-Anwendungen, neue Copilot-Angebote, Anwendungen für die bessere Verbindung von Daten und KI sowie KI-optimierte Hardware.