Man at a computer behind a glass screen projecting Japanese text

Build with AI

Picture of chemistry teacher, Melissa Higgason working with a group of students in a classroom setting

Khan Academy and Microsoft partner to expand access to AI tools that personalize teaching

Microsoft and Khan Academy announced a new partnership that aims to bring time-saving and lesson-enhancing AI tools to millions of educators. By donating access to Azure AI-optimized infrastructure, Microsoft is enabling Khan Academy to offer all K-12 educators in the U.S. free access to the pilot of Khanmigo for Teachers, an AI-powered teaching assistant that will now be powered by Azure OpenAI Service. The two companies will also collaborate to explore opportunities to improve AI tools for math tutoring with a new version of Phi-3, a family of small language models (SLMs) developed by Microsoft.

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Man perched on bamboo sticks hauling a catch of shrimp from a pond

To keep fish and shrimp healthy, farmers in Indonesia now have a copilot to help

Shrimp are sensitive creatures, needing just the right balance of light, oxygen, pH and phytoplankton to thrive in ponds. Farmers in Indonesia are turning to a generative AI assistant to help keep their shrimp healthy. Accessed through a mobile app, the AI assistant is a pilot project by aquaculture startup eFishery using Azure OpenAI Service.

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A female nurse looking at a computer screen in her office

Amid health-care crunch, AI applications add flexibility and provide more time for patients

A groundbreaking AI scheduling system for Lucerne Cantonal Hospital is helping put nurses back in the business of nursing. Currently, more than 100 nurse supervisors spend up to 4 days a month creating 24/7 duty rosters. With the new Teams app, created with a Microsoft partner, it takes 1 day per month.

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A man looking into a microscope

How AI can help cancer patients receive personalized and precise treatment faster

Explore the transformative power of AI in cancer care. Microsoft unveils a groundbreaking tale of innovation and compassion, showcasing how AI algorithms analyze vast datasets with lightning speed, empowering oncologists to tailor therapies uniquely to each patient.

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Man standing with folded arms smiling straight at the camera amidst his three male colleagues working on their laptops

Cemex creates a copilot to cement its foundation with customers

With the creation of Technical Xpert, an AI-based conversational platform running on Azure OpenAI Service that works as their own copilot and is embedded in Microsoft Teams, multinational building materials company Cemex can assist clients more efficiently by pulling up all pertinent product information and customizing the best solutions for each customer’s projects.

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Male teacher with students in a classroom

India’s schoolteachers are drafting better lesson plans faster, thanks to a copilot

Sikshana Foundation is working with Microsoft Research India to introduce an AI copilot for teachers that shortens preparation time for lessons from an hour or more to just minutes. Teachers in government schools in and around Bengaluru have been trying out Shiksha copilot to create lesson plans complete with activities, video and assessments, modified to match resources. It is part of a wider effort by Microsoft Research India called Project VeLLM to make generative AI copilots accessible to everybody from teachers to farmers to small businesses.

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A man working in a lab

Discoveries in weeks, not years: How AI and high-performance computing are speeding up scientific discovery

A combination of AI and high-performance computing has helped researchers find, with record speed, a new material that looks promising for a new kind of battery – the kind of discovery the world will need to meet climate and other goals, and a peek into the kind of discoveries that could be possible with quantum computing.

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Hands holding a phone

India’s Myntra innovates with generative AI to help shoppers put the right look together

Myntra, India’s largest online fashion retailer, has launched an AI shopping assistant to help shoppers find the right look with natural language search. The assistant is powered by Azure OpenAI Service and allows shoppers to ask queries based on the destination of an upcoming vacation, festivals, replicating looks of actors from movies and much more. The assistant was created in two days during a hackathon and launched to Myntra’s users in less than five weeks. Shoppers who use the assistant are three times as likely to make a purchase compared to those who don’t, Myntra says.

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Two women giggling while look at a phone in a street in Japan

Japan’s Aisin helps people with listening difficulties make sense of what they hear using generative AI

Those with hearing disabilities including Auditory Processing Disorder – where speech is heard but not understood – can now use Aisin Corp’s speech-to-text app to get the gist of conversations. This most recent feature built on Azure OpenAI Service summarizes documents and conversations. The app has been deployed across local governments and businesses and is expected to feature at the 2025 Deaflympics in Tokyo.

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Aerial view of a rain forest through white clouds

AI may hold a key to the preservation of the Amazon rainforest

Two AI-powered platforms, one in Colombia (Guacamaya) and one in Brazil (PrevisIA), monitor the two largest Amazon rainforest zones in the region and produce real-time data to forecast the areas at a higher risk of deforestation, help preserve species and act to ensure the safety of indigenous populations. Microsoft is a critical partner in both and is heavily invested in Guacamaya through the AI for Good lab. The data analysis and conclusions will be used to create laser-focused public policies for preservation.

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Two Indian farmers looking at a smartphone in an arid field

With help from next-generation AI, Indian villagers gain easier access to government services

India has myriad government aid programs, each with its own eligibility criteria. Official websites can be hard to navigate – or impossible if you can’t read or write or don’t know English. Now Indian villagers can simply chat with a generative-AI assistant on mobile devices to ask for information. The AI assistant, called Jugalbandi, can understand questions in local languages, retrieve the right information from official sources and relay it back in local language – whether it’s how to apply for a pension, find a scholarship or get a farming loan.

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