European AppCup 2015 Winners Revealed

After an intense round of presentations, the winners of the 2015 AppCup were finally revealed during an awards ceremony held at the Microsoft Centre on 24 March. Each finalist had a chance to impress the jury of experts, highlighting their applications’ innovative features and answering key questions about their work.

The judges had a tough choice in front of them, but after careful deliberation, the AppCup 2015 went to:


Business-to-Consumer Category

Urban Denoiser

Signalling the arrival of a new generation of audio players intended for real time working, Urban Denoiser is the brainchild of Lithuanian developers ITforyou that bring innovative technologies in the field of speech intelligibility and audio signal processing to the mobile environment.

Urban Denoiser’s cutting edge functionality includes audio signal adaptation to the user’s hearing and improving the intelligibility of audio signal depending on external noise levels.


Business-to-Business Category

Corinth Classroom Light

Under the moto “Education is a team effort”, Czech startup Corinth has built a diverse team that includes not only developers, but also artists, engineers, teachers and game designers. Through their Classroom application, they push the boundaries of e-learning through creative uses of visual technologies that bring microscopic worlds to life for exciting learning experiences for students.

A Windows exclusive educational app, Corinth Classroom offers a visual repository of hundreds of top quality UI and graphic interactive models designed to match the K-12 curriculum.


Microsoft CityNext Category


Luxembourg based healthcare industry consulting agency VdV Concept has poured its 15 years of experience in the health field into the creation of Medihoo, a mobile application that helps users create and contribute to a database of trusted and well-reviewed medical professionals.

A helpful travel companion in case of emergencies, Medihoo’s ambitious network covers countries from all over the world and is available in five languages.

Congratulations to the winners!

European AppCup 2015 Finalists

The European AppCup, now in its third year, is steadily becoming a household name among app developers for the Windows platform. With submissions from 27 countries, this year’s edition has been one of its most international yet. The nine finalists have impressed through creativity and solution-oriented applications and will now face off against each other on 24 March in front of a jury of experts who will determine this year’s AppCup champions.

Without further ado, the finalists are:

Business-to-Consumer Category


Urban Denoiser – This Lithuanian app adjusts audio signals based on users’ hearing making for clearer, individually tailored communication.

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Monster Buster: World Invasion – Another Lithuanian finalist, Monster Buster is a fighting game that takes players into the real world through their phone cameras where monsters are lurking, waiting to be vanquished.

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Picturex – This Swiss-made app allows mobile users to create shared photo albums securely.

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Business-to-Business Category


Corinth Classroom Light – Originally from the Czech Republic, Corinth is a Windows exclusive educational app that offers a visual repository of hundreds of top quality UI and graphic interactive models designed to match the K-12 curriculum.

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Grapholite – A Russian all-in-one diagramming solution, Grapholite offers an inexpensive state-of-the-art editor for all types of business graphics.

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Camikú – Developed in Spain, this application uses gamification to help employees learn how to use corporate applications such as Yammer, SharePoint & Office365.

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Microsoft CityNext Category

Medihoo – Originally from Luxembourg, Medihoo helps users share their healthcare experiences and create a database of trusted and well-reviewed medical professionals.

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eDemocracy – The results of a Spanish-Bulgarian collaboration, eDemocracy provides a complete solution for managing electronic voting.

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CityScope – This German app allows users to experience a city as it existed in the past through their phones’ cameras.

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