Event Story: The technology-enabled transformation of the aviation industry

In the last few years, Asia Pacific has witnessed an unprecedented boom in air travel due to the continued growth in Asian economies, a large, emerging middle class combined with the growth of the budget airlines means, more people are travelling than ever before.

Despite growth opportunities, many aviation players are facing tough challenges in their operating environment. Some of these key challenges include: surging fuel costs, heightened competition especially from low-cost carriers, cost of infrastructure construction, cost of recruiting and training people.

Microsoft is participating at the Singapore Airshow (11 to 14 Feb) for the first time, recognizing the pivotal role that the technology plays, from changing the way flight crews manage their work, the way pilots access information, the way customers experience service on-board, right down to how the airlines generate insights from their customers and business.

Perfect blue skies at the Singapore Airshow grounds

At the Singapore Airshow, Microsoft and its partners showcased innovations that have helped airlines use mobile devices, cloud computing and customized apps to address costs, increase productivity and customer loyalty.

Some of these innovations include using Windows tablets to replace hefty flight bags for pilots. Windows devices today are also used to improve customer service for flight attendants, and even overhaul in-flight entertainment experience and services for passengers.

Click on the infographic for a visual look at how Microsoft and its partners are working with airlines globally and in Asia Pacific.

Microsoft in Aviation

Here are several moments captured at Microsoft’s booth during the biannual aviation event in Singapore:

Windows 8.1 enables a full-touch tablet experience ideal for in-flight services

Airshow visitors were amazed with Jeppesen’s FliteDeck Pro app on Windows 8.1 tablets – replacing hefty flight bags traditionally carried by pilots

Visitors at the Singapore Airshow get front row seats at the Microsoft booth, where Windows Phone 8 is transformed by Avanade into a cutting-edge point of sale (POS) device

Visitors experience first-hand how Lufthansa Systems allows for passengers to use their own mobile devices during flights for entertainment, food and beverage, and even shopping

Feel free to visit the Microsoft booth at E63 at the Singapore Airshow from 11 to 14 Feb 2014!

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