150 teams from 64 countries participated in the World Semifinals of the Imagine Cup 2015 competition. Judges have evaluated all the projects and found some very impressive work. Emerging from the five minute video pitch challenge are 33 finalists from the three categories of Games, Innovation, and World Citizenship. We are proud to present to you 11 teams from Asia that will be going to Seattle to represent us in the World Finals this year!
Country: Malaysia
Team: SwinDesign
Project Name: Tou – The Sacrifice Project
Tou is an immersive horror exploration mobile game inspired by the folklore and rituals of an ethnic tribe in Sarawak, Malaysia, the Melanaus. As players navigate around the map searching for clues and solving puzzles to proceed to further levels, they will learn about the spine-chilling stories of the rituals and spirits of the Melanau tribe. Find out more about Team SwinDesign and their project here.

Country: South Korea
Team: JY6
Project name: Lynn – A Girl Into Puzzles
A touch screen game comprising of simple sliding puzzles that can be played anytime and anywhere as long as you have a smart device. Find out more about Team JY6 and their project here.
Country: Nepal
Team: Octavian
Project name: DYD
A game that can be played with or without the Kinect, DYD is a 3 Dimensional graphical game which focuses on stopping the poaching of animals. Each quest test players’ logical thinking skills, and captures their interests through the unlocking of weapons and vehicles. Find out more about Team Octavian and their project here.

Country: China
Team: Thief
Project name: Lost Shadow
Lost Shadow is a 3D touch control puzzle game which aims to retrieve shadows that have been stolen from a god. Players move objects around to obtain a clear path to reach switches and the level exit. Find out more about Team Thief and their project here.
Country: India
Team: Eyeluminati
Project name: Manovue
Manovue is an intelligent personal assisting device for the blind. This multi-utility wearable haptic device enables users to read any printed text by moving their finger over the text and helps them to navigate freely outside of well-known environments through voice commands. Find out more about Team Eyeluminati and their project here.
Country: Japan
Team: ScreenAir
Project name: Screen Feels Air
ScreenAIR combines screen and original wind sensors to capture wind pressure distribution. A calculation system then converts this wind pressure distribution into a three dimensional simulation, and uses a software to translate the simulation results into beautiful graphics. When presented, ScreenAIR gives the perception of real AIR! Find out more about Team Screen Air and their project here.

Country: New Zealand
Team: Tether
Project name: Tether
Discover and leverage the talent in your social network using Tether. Tether searches among your friends list and their friends according to their skillsets, and matches you with the skills you need to complete a task, all within a few seconds! Find out more about Team Tether and their project here.

Country: Australia
Team: Virtual Dementia Experience
Project name: ADVDE
The Virtual Dementia Experience (VDE) helps people to understand the issues facing dementia patients through the simulation of the effects of aging and dementia in a virtual environment. This helps aged care workers, the general public as well as those with interest in accessibility design to gain a better understanding of what dementia patients go through. Find out more about Team Virtual Dementia Experience and their project here.
Country: Taiwan
Team: Boby
Project name: Boby
“Boby” is an accurate and convenient Basal Temperature-based solution that leverages the Internet of Things and cloud-based Machine Learning technologies to form an interactive app that helps couples to have a baby. Furthermore, “Boby” also helps save lives, as it predicts and notifies expectant mothers of potential risks during the pregnancy period. Find out more about Team Boby and their project here.
Country: Indonesia
Team: Alix
Project name: Solidare
Solidare aims to keep children in schools by facilitating donations to orphans and poor children. This is a Windows-based phone application that brings together donors, charity organizations the community, government and schools to generate stronger support for children stricken by poverty. Find out more about Team Alix and their project here.

Country: Singapore
Team: Mozter
Project name: Mozter
Mozter is a mosquito monitoring platform that leverages on the Internet of Things and cloud-based technologies to assist mosquito control officers with national mosquito surveillance and control programmes. The platform comprises of a mosquito detection sensor, a data processing server and a data visualisation platform to tell the story of the data collected from the sensor. Find out more about Team Mozter and their project here.
Follow the Imagine Cup website for the latest updates or head down here to find out more about all semifinalist submissions now.
This post is originally published on the Asia Pacific Citizenship Blog on 8th June 2015.
Photo credits: Microsoft Korea, Microsoft China, Microsoft New Zealand, Microsoft Australia, Microsoft Singapore