Augmented reality (AR) and mixed reality (MR) technologies, such as Microsoft HoloLens, are bringing new meaning to the old saying “practice makes perfect”.
In Australia, they are profoundly changing how two leading educational institutions prepare their students to deal with the sorts of scenarios they will face in their professional futures. And, sometimes these could be matters of life and death. They are also transforming how researchers work.
Both AR and MR provide scalable, efficient solutions for teaching critical skills. They help alter behaviors and cognitive responses so students can excel in their respective fields. Previously, most of this could only be taught theoretically.
This year, the University of Western Sydney is delivering a 360 virtual reality (VR) space for its paramedicine course. It is also exploring how to employ AR, using Hololens, to support research into areas such as dementia and brain injury.
Previously, forensic science and policing courses included practical training scenarios that could cost thousands of dollars to stage. Now, HoloLens allows for training with little cost and no risk.
The University of Sydney’s Medical School first experimented with HoloLens last year and quickly recognised its potential in clinical training. It has now started using HoloLens in medical imaging. Read the full story