Microsoft Build 2018: Live Stream Embed Instructions for webmasters

Microsoft Build 2018

This document contains embed information for the Microsoft Build 2018 live streaming player. Sites can easily embed the webcast by inserting the iframe code snippet below. The provided player will be activated with slate and music within 60 minutes of the event’s scheduled start time each day and transition to on-demand within 10 minutes of the broadcast’s conclusion each day.

How to and best practices:

  • To stream the event live, place the iframe code snippet provided below onto your site where you would like the player to appear. The feed will be broadcast in 720p30 format and provide the option for end users to enable English captions or automated translations to 12 other languages.
  • Please test the embedded code in advance of the briefing. There is currently placeholder video content in the player from a previous event to allow for testing. This will be replaced with a static “coming soon” placeholder image 24 hours prior to the event to allow for early site publishing.
  • You are welcome to keep your site’s logos and branding around the iframe experience, and the player can be scaled appropriately for your site using CSS or the width and height tags within the iframe code snippet to integrate with your responsive site design. Important Note: 640×360 is a typical for in-page viewing, but if you chose to change the size of the player, it’s important that you keep a 16×9 aspect ratio!
  • On-demand will be available approximately 10 minutes after the live broadcast concludes each day. No action is required for VoD. The window will automagically change from live to on-demand.
  • In the embed code below, please replace [INSERT_SITE_NAME] with an identifier for your site. For example, if embedding onto you could use
  • Please contact [email protected] with any questions.

Please use the code below for implementation:

<iframe src=’[INSERT_SITE_NAME]‚ border=’0′ frameborder=’0′ scrolling=’no‘ width=’640′ height=’360′ allowfullscreen style=’overflow:hidden;‘> </iframe>

Viewers who click on this link will see the following content beginning 24 hours prior to the event start:

  • Prior to approximately 7:00am PDT on May 7th, viewers will be presented with a Microsoft branded slate.
  • After 7:00am PDT on May 7th, viewers will be presented with a video player streaming our broadcast.
  • At 8:30am PDT on May 7th, the broadcast will officially begin.


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